World politics

FBI Investigation: Huawei Equipment Could Jam Pentagon Communications
Trump Policy Review. The White home  is scrutinizing offensive cyber operations
Gdyby Tusk rządził w Polsce, dziś już Ukrainy by nie było…
SG: Migrants' armed 'with ladders and grinders effort   to push border barrier
Sprawdziło się. Putin realizuje nazistowską doktrynę Iljina
Digital roadmap for 2030. There is consent of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU
What was created on the Polish-Belarusian border?
O tym co dzieje się na Kremlu Zachód (my także) wie niewiele
The assassination of the erstwhile  Prime Minister of Japan. Platforms remove recordings of the tragedy
A single charger for all devices is getting closer. There is simply a green light
Tusk on Prime Minister Johnson's resignation: Don't you think, Mateusz, that he's a weirdo after all?
Omnibus Directive. What changes? erstwhile   does it come into effect?
Physical barrier at the border ready. Time to install electronics
Trump aide: president   knew his supporters were armed erstwhile   he encouraged them to go to Capitol
Biedroń and Czarnecki on sex education. "The Lord is showing me"
What about German tanks for Poland? Soloch: Talks stalled
Croatian MPs were not kicked out of the area  for their support for Putin
Moscow Burned Bridges Behind
The European Union is of fundamental importance to France
Consultations with the president   of the United States. "This war cannot be a Russian success"
Bucha will not sober Russians
Andrij Deszczyca: Europe must take an example from Poland. No concessions to Putin
Kownacki: If Ukraine falls, there will be no peace. Rozenek: Moldova will be next
Time of war — a time of compromise. Will the Polish government and opposition stand up to the task?
Paweł Soloch on the launch of the NATO spearhead: A signal to Russia that we are ready to defend
Roman Dmowski o Polakach i Polsce na tle sądów o innych narodach
Uderzyć w Zachód
Uspołecznienie państwa [1]
Romanità versus italianità. Juliusa Evoli interpretacja nacjonalizmu
Eksperyment neoslawistyczny endecji i jego irredentystyczna krytyka
Międzynarodowy Sąd MSAPN do Trybunału Sprawiedliwości, sygn.akt C-157/21 : fundusze za brak praworządności na lechickie konta aktem dziejowej sprawiedliwości.
„ZChN miał zbyt szeroką formułę. Znaleźli się tam ludzie o różnych celach”
Komorowski on the desertion of a Polish soldier: work   should be taken by the head of the Ministry of National Defense
Błaszczak: Problem at the border could be  for months
Ataki na konta polskich polityków pochodzą z białorusi
Sankowski: granica to tylko pretekst
Donald Trump creates his own instance of Mastodon?
State of emergency. What can it truly  mean?
Zapraszamy do udziału w litewsko-polskim seminarium o dialogu międzykulturowym „Usłyszeć Innego/Inną”.
China: The Week Behind the large  Wall (26/21), a subjective review of Andrew Liang's events in Shanghai
China: The Week Behind the large  Wall (26/21), a subjective review of Andrew Liang's events in Shanghai
Reverie minute  Over Butterfly Effect and Why He's 'riding Chemistry'
China: The Week Behind the large  Wall (23/21), a subjective review of Andrew Liang's events in Shanghai
Ziobro on Cyber Attack on Polish Officials: We request   to Lesson as a State
Putin in an interview about China: “China did not accuse us of anything, as the United States did. You didn't know that?”
China — Poland: Changing the temperature of relations? Wise Pole after harm.
„Niedoinformowany” Kaczyński, czyli świadectwo moralności Szumowskiego (4/2021)
A word of shame: Fort Trump