World politics

Russia needs a fresh  Genghis Khan
Zamosc in an old photograph
Vladimir Putin sums up year of fighting in Ukraine
White Rose Indomitable. Munich Student Manifesto
Pat on the back
Prezydent Duda: Wzywam przywódców do wspierania Ukrainy
Will the GDPR yet   take effect? The EU is taking over the amendments to the celebrated  regulation
Gen. Skrzypczak: Wizyta Bidena ma skonsolidować wszystkich
Szeremietiew: "Wizyta Bidena to impuls dla ukraińskiej armii
Wagon, którym podróżował prezydent Biden, został zrobiony przez polską firmę. Mamy zdjęcia ze środka!
Brezhnev 2  — otherwise we can't
Who am I...
Angela Merkel 'victim' of Russian pranksters. She was talking about Poland
Ritter on Biden's visit to Poland
Waćkowski: Football reflection   of the weaknesses of the Polish nation
Could Putin's Russia fall apart? Distribution scenarios
It's business that counts. Asia in the face of the war in Ukraine
Premier w Monachium: wsparcie Ukrainy dziś, to spokój Europy jutro
Premier w Jednostce Wojskowej NIL w Krakowie: nasz rząd nie oszczędza na armii
TYLKO U NAS. Sobolewski:Duże oczekiwania wobec wizyty Bidena
From heliocentrism to germanocentrism
The confiscation of private property in the US is pure thievery
Lewicki: Cadres decide everything
Waiting for the sunshine of nations
Press Review No. 120
Border defender  Liaison Officer to Leave Belarus
Political realism of Bolesław Piasecki
Interior Ministry of interior   Affairs Bans Carrying Arms in Warsaw
Let's leave the knee-jerk tribute to politicians
“The Beast” from the USA, or what Joe Biden drives
America immortal?
Polish past  in a nutshell
The ideological madness of leftists and the Bolshevized Mafia of the OP
Prison without sentencing — in the courts hula wind
Prezes PiS w tygodniku "Sieci": Musimy wygrać dla Polski
Up to 4  times a piece
Bleleń: War Democracy
O czym powie Biden? Przydacz: Spodziewamy się podziękowania
Tail under the jacket, claws in varnishes
Handle: No2nato — No2War. Anti-war movement in the UK
Solving the problem of “Polishness”, or how to starve Poles?
Gorlicka: Are we a serious country?
Jacobin: atomic  war could break out about Crimea
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (10/2023/262)
[Bodzized on Friday] Biden in Poland. What does Ukraine's triumph  look like?
Panasiuk: Slaves of False Myths
Mexican chaotic  West. This is frequently  ruled by lawlessness
Briefly: decoupling