Polish politics

"Imaging of the scalp and hair follicles" in the invoices of the Ministry of Justice. "The Minister did not usage  this test"
MF o zadłużeniu Skarbu Państwa
He started the fresh  program out of breath. Officials want to halt  the system
"Hiding places" in blocks of flats. Minister on respective  percent increase in prices
Not just a fire extinguisher and a triangle. What is mandatory car   equipment?
Kwaśniewski: I have an artificial knee. I'm a bit of a robot
Winter has caught its breath. He may not regain his vigor for a long time
"Hiding places in blocks of flats". What is the government preparing?
What's next for butter prices? These chains have reduced promotions the most
An eye alternatively  of cash and an ID. A glance is adequate  to pay in a store  or tram
More than a 1000  eruptions of the Ibu volcano in January. Authorities call for evacuation
A decision on Mateusz Morawiecki's immunity by Friday?
The Polish company will take care of NATO communications. It besides  targets the 6G network
LOT introduces deferred payments. Buy ticket, pay later
800 plus to be changed in 2025? Trzaskowski announces a revolution
Strange. The Prime Minister does not print  due to the fact that he is preparing changes in the Constitutional Tribunal?
New organic solar cells answer a cosmic threat
Polacy będą odcięci od leków? Aż 400 gmin bez apteki
An different  announcement from the ministry. "The minister is simply a bit bald"
Parking before the intersection. The court settled the dispute between the municipal police and the driver
Alvin Gajadhur heard the charges. "I will compose  about irregularities"
This is how PiS and Duda destroyed 1  of the most crucial  institutions. "Dummy" with "political falls"
Zybertowicz on the government's consent to... taxation  fraud
Indonezja: Osunięcie się ziemi na Jawie
Jak uciszyć dziennikarza? Projekt resortu Bodnara wciąż daje taką możliwość
Alarm ws. emerytur w Polsce. Nowe prognozy MFW. „Z 45 proc. do 29 proc.”
Who inherits from childless siblings? Statutory order and the civilian  Code
Zybertowicz on the government's consent to... taxation  fraud
Znów kłócą się w koalicji! Marszałek senior Sejmu uderzył, porównał partię Tuska do PiS!
Gender reassignment is expected  to be easier. The fresh  bill is to be submitted to the Sejm
Warszawa: 14-latkowie podejrzani o rozbój
Tomczyk: Morawiecki nie miał najlepszego czasu w Waszyngtonie
An algorithm needed to deal with incidents in the Baltic Sea
„Trzaskowski mówi jasno”. Tomczyk o uszczelnieniu 800+
Antoni Górski: Where are we heading in the dispute over the law and judges
14-year-olds committed a robbery
The Hungarian Minister for EU Affairs met with Romanowski
"I think it would be a betrayal." Tomczyk on the expectations of PiS and Confederation politicians
The end of the disputes, the task  has arrived. Head of the Ministry of Environment and Environment: The Wind Turbine Act is ready
Gigantic deposits of uncommon  earth metals. Greenland could give Europe a powerful argument against China
Greek authorities subject refugees to invasive surveillance
Zakaz sprzedaży alkoholu na stacjach paliw? Siemoniak: Jestem za ograniczeniami, natomiast trzeba to przedyskutować
O Franku, kandydacie i hotelu / janko
800 plus not for all Ukrainians. Minister Tomczyk has no doubts
"We plan to present an election protection plan." Siemoniak gives the date
They are arguing in the coalition again! The elder  talker  of the Sejm struck, compared Tusk's organization  to...
Portugalia: Służby analizują podejrzane przesyłki
Co-financing of up to PLN 300 1000  for entrepreneurs. ZUS announces a call for applications
Zinkiewicz: Nostalgia
Do you leave a review for a hotel or restaurant on the Internet? Show ID card