
An different  message  from the Ministry of Justice. "The minister regrets it and is bald"
Sikorski's clash with Romanowski after the material of Republika. Shocking words were said
The CJEU can change the result  of your case – check how it works!
MPK w Krakowie z dofinansowaniem z KPO
Stable work in Poland? KPO and the future of civilian  law contracts
The case of the Gemini pharmacy was based on the ultimate  Court. There is simply a decision on the chamber
Unrecognized chamber of the ultimate  Court will deal with another issue of money for PiS
Judgment of the ultimate  Court. The Chamber of Pharmacists is besides  an entrepreneur
Siemoniak's arrogant answer to Romanowski's question
Karnowski without mercy for tv   Republika. Sikorski stepped in
Siemoniak: Na poszukiwania Romanowskiego wydano stukrotnie mniej niż kwota, o której zdefraudowanie jest jednym z podejrzanych
Actions against Romanowski. MP asks about costs!
Ewa Szadkowska: Tempting the judges of the Constitutional Tribunal
What's next for the National Recovery Plan? The minister spoke about further motions
Deputy Minister of Justice: Mr. Romanowski is simply a prisoner in Hungary
TikTok is officially shutting down in the United States
Instagram zmienia się nie do poznania. Wielka zmiana formatu filmików
The government on the nursing benefit. Disability before the age of 18 or later [MOPS]
Government: MOPS, nursing benefit, Constitutional Tribunal judgment. Deciding who was right in a fewer  weeks
Disciplinary proceedings for the erstwhile  Ombudsman for Children Mikołaj Pawlak, for Piotr Schab and for a fresh  justice  from Warsaw
Assassination of ultimate  Court judges
Andrzej Duda podpisał ustawę budżetową i… przesłał część przepisów do Trybunału Konstytucyjnego
Ziobro: The Pegasus Commission cannot request a forced transfer
Iran: Dwóch sędziów Sądu Najwyższego zamordowanych w Teheranie
The last moments before the ban. The giant issues a statement
TikTok has threatened to shut down the app. He is waiting for assurances from the White House
USA: TikTok zagroził wygaszeniem aplikacji
In 2024, the Sejm passed the fewest laws in years. And that's very good
The "record holder" from the National Court registry  earned a 4th   of a million zlotys. "They are taking advantage of the last opportunity"
Sharp words from Andrzej Duda. "Discussing with these people is absurd".
Andrzej Duda signed the budget act. However, he referred any  of the provisions to the Constitutional Tribunal
Kierwiński: Dziwię się, iż prezydent po raz kolejny staje się rzecznikiem Przyłębskiej, neosędziów i neoKRS
Will Prime Minister D. Tusk's government correct the mistakes of its predecessors? [Nursing benefit and MOPS].
Morawiecki will waive his immunity? Bodnar rubs his hands together
CT verdict on budget law. Prof. Piotrowski explains
How do preliminary questions to the CJEU change the course of Polish court proceedings?
Supreme Court justice  on the president's decision: The decay of the state will proceed  at its best
MP doesn't leave a dry eye on the DuDa. "This is simply a paradoxical situation".
The president   signed the budget and. made specified  a decision  yet
"The president   surprised" and the Constitutional Court must hurry up
There is simply a presidential decision on the budget.
Court "is expected to make a message  about its own coffers." president   "fights for judges' per diems"
Andrzej Duda signed the 2025 budget
Paprocka: Prezydent podpisał ustawę budżetową na 2025 r.
Budget for 2025. president   Duda has made a decision
Paprocka: TK w ocenie prezydenta powinien ocenić zmiany w budżetach TK i KRS
Budget law signed, any  provisions will go to the Constitutional Court. Andrzej Duda has decided
Budget for 2025. There is simply a decision by Andrzej Duda
Budget Law. There is simply a decision of the president
Budget for 2025. There is simply a decision by the president