
Forcibly bringing to the investigative committee, PiS candidate, an investigation into Macierewicz's subcommittee
Seven investigations into the Smolensk subcommittee. Will Macierewicz be a suspect?
Podkomisja Macierewicza pod lupą prokuratury. Wszczęto pięć śledztw
Macierewicz under the scrutiny of investigators. It is about the Smolensk subcommittee
Five investigations into the Smolensk subcommittee
Podkomisja Macierewicza na celowniku prokuratury. Wszczęto pięć śledztw
Antoni Macierewicz under the scrutiny of investigators. It is about the Smolensk subcommittee
Podkomisja smoleńska Macierewicza na celowniku prokuratury. Wszczęto pięć śledztw
Macierewicz under the scrutiny of investigators. 5  investigations into the Smolensk subcommittee
The National Prosecutor's Office: there are 5  investigations in the case of the Smolensk subcommittee
Ustawa o odpolitycznieniu spółek trafi do Sejmu. Hołownia: „To jest w interesie nas wszystkich”
A conflicted coalition. It is about depoliticizing state-owned companies. "The project's heart was ripped out"
20 laps of the Earth in the 'kilometre records' of the Smolensk subcommittee. "This needs to be accounted for"
This is how much Macierewicz's subcommittee spent on travel. "They have never been to Smolensk"
They circled the Earth 20 times. This is how the members of Macierewicz's subcommittee traveled
Kaczynski's activity above the norm. Even on the Smolensk issue
Ile kosztowały podróże służbowe członków podkomisji smoleńskiej?
Rozłam w koalicji rządzącej. Pomogła Konfederacja
Kilometers of the Smolensk subcommittee and flights "without a circumstantial  purpose". "They cost more than a million zlotys".
They made 20 laps of the Earth. In the Sejm about the mileage of the Smolensk subcommittee
Government coalition divided in vote. Confederation helped
"The business trips of its members cost more than a million zlotys." Tomczyk reveals details of Smolensk subcommittee operation
And he said it was lies.... It is known how many fines Macierewicz got for the pirate rally
WEEK IN "GAZETA POLSKA" CLUBS - 20.11.2024 Crowds of patriots at the independency  March in Warsaw
A week in the life of politicians. The president   lost a part  of his finger
BANINO | Katyn Memorial Oak in Postolowo
Sejm Projekt ustawy o podmiotach obsługujących kredyty skierowany do podkomisji
Prezes TOPR o potrzebie kupna nowego śmigłowca
UJAWNIAMY. Uciekł im szpieg, ale chcą ścigać Macierewicza
Relay of generations at the independency  March
Scandal at Macierewicz's: 8 times the Earth's circumference in kilometers!
Marta Kaczyńska in tears. "If only my parents"
Kaczyński's Sensational Words About Smolensk: "Beyond Any Discussion"
Donald Trump and his government according to task  2025 - Jan Smoleński - Paweł SIto
Macierewicz's subcommittee spent a luck  on travel and hotels. 1  of its members circled the Earth almost 8  times
Kaczyński: There was an attack carried out with the aid  of an explosion. This is beyond any discussion
Not everyone in PiS supports the findings of Macierewicz's subcommittee? Kaczyński: Bocheński? That's interesting
Prezes PiS ostrzega:Polskie rolnictwo będzie w stanie upadku
Ceremonial presentation of the “Bar for the Distinguished” badge to lawyer  Jerzy Naumann
Antoni Macierewicz praised current ministers. Unheard of!
Mileage of the Smolensk subcommittee. An expert from Bolesławiec has traveled around the Earth. 8  times
Zdumiewające kilometrówki. Na komisji stawiał się rzadko, ale prawie osiem razy objechał Ziemię
The Episcopate agreed to reduce the number of hours of spiritual  education in schools from 2  to one? Bishop Osial: talks are ongoing
The clergy have agreed to 1  spiritual  education lesson, but from 2026. They must change the textbooks
Rekordowe kilometrówki członka podkomisji smoleńskiej, 100 lat od Nobla dla "Chłopów" [SKRÓT WYDARZEŃ DNIA]
Barbara Nowacka recalls conversations about the Smolensk disaster with Antoni Macierewicz. …
The end of the RTV subscription. Finally, a circumstantial  date has been set
Chmielewski: Independent? Between democracy and "monarchy", or the regulation  of one
Macierewicz na celowniku