World politics

Stop calling the Iraq war a 'mistake': notes from the edge of the communicative  matrix
China: Facts, Events, Opinions (16/2023/268)
Dugin: Postmen and post-humans
Unią rządzą wariaci! Stanisław Michalkiewicz bezlitosny dla eurokratów
With God, president   Zeman, We Will Not Miss You
War criminals must stand trial
Katarzyna TS: Poland as arsonist of the world
P. Krzemiński: Let's not accelerate ourselves in geopolitics, alternatively  survey  history
First there was Iraq
Modern deportations of Ukrainians
Prezydent Czech ostro w "Gazecie Wyborczej": "Razem zgromadzimy wystarczającą siłę, by stawić czoła narodowym interesom Niemiec czy Francji"
“Altersystem” is possible
Loin in light of Donald Tusk's retirement...
Spotkanie premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego z prezydentem Czech Petrem Pavlem
Wasyl Zwarycz is Krzysztof Ziemiec's guest at RMF FM
Finland in NATO
UN: Russians in Ukraine did not commit genocide
Jankowski: Why should we look at France?
[Right to nuance] The breakup of Russia is simply a dill
Let's live the twentieth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq with peace in mind
Realism in a Time of Existential Threat
Bleach: Casus foederis
Trump's social network under the microscope of investigators
Francja w ogniu! Policja nie jest w stanie zapanować nad protestami przeciwko reformie emerytalnej Macrona! ZOBACZ ZDJĘCIA
Oscar for “Navalny” and the death of Russian opposition
May all  politician have a revolver behind his claw — why am I defending Ziobra?
Premier Mateusz Morawiecki: nasz plan to stać się hubem energetycznym i hubem gazowym dla Europy Środkowej
How to Compare paper  Text utilizing Windows 10
Inflation in Russia — 4%
URGENT! The expert claims that the slogan “National Armed Forces — NSZ” contains threats and calls for hatred! Based on his opinion, Sutryk accused Jacek Międlar [DOCUMENTS+STENOGRAM]
Jewish participation in Bolshevism
Premier Mateusz Morawiecki spotkał się z premierem Łotwy
Europe rolls up banking sector
Cracked hearts — about murdered polish children in the łódź ghetto
Kaci nkwd and sb in post-war poland
Sail — judaic  gestapo agents
“We have no luck   with the leaders.”
Rosyjska gra wokół księdza Blachnickiego i nowe ustalenia
TYLKO U NAS. Relacja z gali nagrody SDP. ZOBACZ!
Foreign Affairs i inni, czyli prorosyjskie błędy i głupstwa
Sustainability will turn our planet  upside down
Crown: the time of the declaration has already passed, the time to act
TYLKO U NAS. Rafalska: Zachowanie Ochojskiej to podłość
The Pentagon took care of the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank
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Piskorski: Who wants to set Georgia on fire?
Drwęski: 4  scenarios
Who in Berlin is protesting against supporting Ukraine?