World politics

Escalation ladder
Jak Unia Europejska razem z PiS zniszczyła polską branżę transportową?
Hot Years of the Cold War 1945-1965
New division of the slavs — fresh  division of slavs
Andreotti, or old Italy
U.N. Report: Ukraine Violated Prisoner of War Rights
Hillary Clinton: Ukraine conflict shows climate change is primarily about women
The European capital of reason
#CyberMagazyn: EU right to repair yet   on its way. It's a real good change
Prof. Butterwick znowu z wybitną książką o historii Polski
[Bodzized on Friday] Why are Israelis chanting “This is not Poland!”
Let us remember the destiny  of the Serbs
Attack of “OUN-UPA heroes” on the vicinity of Ossa on the Swojczowska Land in Volhynia
Since erstwhile   did Tusk's “aunts”?
Rcchiladze: For Georgians, Kaczynski is no hero
Co w nas wstępuje na tej Ukrainie? Rzecz o wolontariuszach
We have common interests
Ministry of interior   Affairs: Bobrovniki crossing will be closed as long as Poczobut is in prison
Xi Jinping: On the eve of the beginning  of a fresh  chapter of Sino-Russian friendship, cooperation and joint development
Important visit of Israeli abroad  Minister Eli Cohen to Poland!
The head of TikTok will appear before legislature  today. What will politicians hear?
Szef polskiego rządu po spotkaniu z premierem Japonii: nasze kraje doskonale rozumieją zagrożenie płynące z imperializmu rosyjskiego dla pokoju na świecie
Golla: Germany is arming
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (17/2023/269)
Litwa wybrała Zachód i kapitalizm, Białoruś wybrała Rosję i socjalizm. Teraz dzieli je przepaść
In the Shadow of War
TYLKO U NAS. Zalewska: Zachowanie Scholza to po prostu wstyd
Meeting dedicated to Alesia Bialacki
Britain wants atomic annihilation?
Wystąpienie premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego na Uniwersytecie w Heidelbergu
“Goudomor” like Holodomor, or hypersensitivity in Ukrainian
Ukraine fights Orthodoxy
Democracy as a weapon. Global Times on 20th Anniversary of American Aggression on Iraq
France: From Retirement to Dictatorship, tv  Lies
Polyomski: Putin and Putinization
Twilight of the hegemon
President Xi Jinping in Moscow
P. Krzemiński: Poland risks its independence
Jankowski: Nationalism or nationalisms?
Stop calling the Iraq war a 'mistake': notes from the edge of the communicative  matrix
China: Facts, Events, Opinions (16/2023/268)
Dugin: Postmen and post-humans
Unią rządzą wariaci! Stanisław Michalkiewicz bezlitosny dla eurokratów
With God, president   Zeman, We Will Not Miss You
War criminals must stand trial
Katarzyna TS: Poland as arsonist of the world
P. Krzemiński: Let's not accelerate ourselves in geopolitics, alternatively  survey  history
First there was Iraq