World politics

Sala im. Witolda Pileckiego w Parlamencie Europejskim!
France inaugurates reindustrialisation programme
The Right to regulation  and Donald Tusk's Driver's License
Defeat of Ukrainian Wunderwaffe
"Na wyłączność: The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Skarbnica nigdy wcześniej nie widzianych e-maili i kalendarzy daje bezprecedensowy wgląd w sieć władzy i wpływów późnego pedofila, która obejmuje Chrisa Rocka, Petera Thiela, Richarda Bransona i Irinę Shayk"
"Ostatnie posunięcia G7 odzwierciedlają "poważną [zbiorową] psychozę"!:
"Jak inteligentne miasta zamkną ludzkość w obozach koncentracyjnych na otwartym powietrzu"
Orban's Ministry of Truth
T. Piątek: Piotr Naimski, SB i tajemnicza podróż do USA
Biden's goal: halt  Chinese tech improvement  for military
Poland and Germany to defender  Schengen
Jankowski: before the war he can save us... Tusk
Can the war in Sudan be stopped?
Amid Russian aggression, Indian colossus retains neutrality
Anglo-Saxon Elites Inhibit Pis' Hunwejbins
Munich bis
Measures to Reduce COVID in U.S. Caused 23 Fold Higher Deaths From COVID
The fact  about Volhynia — incompatible with Poland's strategical  interest?
Russians under Bakhmut repeat the destiny  of the German army at Stalingrad
Szlęzak: the organization  strategy   is simply a origin  of corruption
The Ministry of interior   Affairs responds to the decision on Poczobut. 365 citizens of Belarus are placed on the sanctions list
The last bell for the Polexite discussion!
"Biologia syntetyczna ma na celu zastąpienie naturalnych form życia czymś, co jest stworzone przez człowieka"(video)
London turns Ukraine into radioactive graveyard
Turkey will not change policy
Heroes of the polish. primate of the millennium
Maximilian Maria Kolbe
Putin's man in the parliamentary gallery...
Prigozhyn diagnosis: Russia will not win this war
Kiervinsky on the verification commission: Taken from Stalinist Russia
It warts with the sword... that is, about semiconductors
Wash and go
Empire of stupid posts
General's Harmful Fantasies
[Bonified on Friday] Ron DeSantis -- will Trump's copy defeat the original?
Legutko o "odpowiedzialności Niemiec za UE": Wycofajcie się!
Neosanation is simply a farce
From the military man to the president. Hindenburg's road to power
Rotmaster witold pilecki hero without grave
Jeffrey D. Sachs: War in Ukraine was provoked
Where is Valeriy Zaluzhny?
Bankruptcy of the G7 idea
The safety of residents of the Opole Voivodeship is at risk
Handout: Polish-Russian War under the Beach Flag
"Błaszczak do dymisji". Opozycja złoży wniosek
Biernacki: Bat on dissidents, or the fresh  Rywin affair?