World politics

Another “circus” for war propaganda
“Niezawisimaja Gazieta”: Germans have forgotten history
Weekly press, or review of events by Tamara Olszewska (15-21 May 2023)
Sisi: no more abroad  intervention
Bezradni wobec banalnej intrygi. Bezradni na własne życzenie
Inciters to lose the war
Graceful: The anniversary of disgrace has passed
Bakhmut fell
Georgian Orban
We're in for a windbreak
America, major crisis of the republic...
Israeli zionist terrorism
Cerise: A Brief past  of Political Cunning
Western Poles descended from Germans?
China: Golden May 2023
Jeffrey Sachs: US pretends to regulation  the world
John Paul II and Modern Barbarians
KE rozważa, czy wprowadzić opłaty sieciowe, które zniszczą Internet, jaki znamy
Modzelewski: Our catastrophe besides  came
China's support for Eritrea
TADEUSZ PŁUŻAŃSKI: UB Captain Wacław Alchimowicz developed the Pilecki Group
Will the safety of Poles trust  on the altar of propaganda? What “it is not essential  to talk  out loud”
Iraq. 20 years after the fall of Saddam Hussein
Total ban on TikTok? The decision was made by the first state in the USA
Szlęzak: Falling rockets teach us reason
State treason
Hungary with China and Russia
Education as a pillar of the White home  cybersecurity strategy
Andreyev: this is our joint holiday
Social Insurance Institution is Power
Turks ahead of strategical  choice
Ducksters want war...
Anti-war debate on militarization
[Wandering Forecast]. Sovereign triumphs in Turkey
Whoever gives and receives is... waiting for the Ruthenian atomic bomb
The European Commission approves the acquisition of Activision by Microsoft. But this is not the end of the matter
Chris Miller: The large  War for Chips
Von Hoffmeister: Kaliningrad's disputed legacy
Handle: Life after COVID-19 — prospects for planet  security
Zinkiewicz: Putin is making us into a balloon...
Memory of Eve's dots about 500 +...
Western fox or Ukrainian hedgehog? Who Win the conflict  of Narratives
Jacob berman secret speech
Zełeński's journey of despair
Turcja: Erdogan czy Kılıçdaroğlu? Będzie druga tura
Performance V in the Saxon Garden. Remembrance of the dead at the border [PHOTOS]
A balloon over Rypin. Belarus and Russia: we are trolling Poland