World politics

Increase in U.S. arms sales in Europe
Prigozhyn: no layouts, just a fair fight
A clash of giants is getting ready. I urge  preparing popkorn
The Russian opposition has 3  options. They're all bad
“Magyar Nemzet”: Hands off since 1956!
Mission of the “Wagnerian”
ONLY HERE. Saryusz-Wolski: The spokeswoman of the EC hits the head
Rise Prago cast off the shackles! — Czechs against the war
You will get to know Tusk by the “fruits” and the net from Biedronka...
Leaky U.S. defence  and Intelligence Archives
Dmowski in the eyes of Korwin-Milewski
Weekly press, an overview of events by Tamara Olszewska (10-16 April 2023)
Russia's elite won't forgive Putin for losing war
Minimum wage in Shanghai: 1616 PLN
Premier Mateusz Morawiecki: dzisiaj Polska jest kluczem do odbudowy relacji euroatlantyckich – porządku między Unią Europejską a USA
'Magyar Nemzet': Macron's European dream
Europe without NATO is Europe without wars
[Bodzized on Friday] How has Putin played Poland out for years?
Healthy people are allowed to get sick
Cold War Liberals: Dirk Stikker
TYLKO U NAS. Woś o PSL: Zielone mundurki, w sercu czerwono
The ugly game of Katyn
Russian oil smuggling continues at its best, with Poland sinking behind Ukraine
Ukraine in Catholics, or Najjjka under fire
A young, charismatic fan of firearms. He's behind the Pentagon leak
FEDERA with a fresh  visual identity and communication strategy
On the Russian issue
Stop and settle crimes on the Polish-Belarusian border. Picket in Warsaw and Wroclaw
More and more questions about Buczy
Why is Trump praising Putin?
Stop and settle crimes on the Polish-Belarusian border. Picket in Warsaw and Wroclaw
Germany along with France want to give the signal to the USA!
WEF — Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne i rząd światowy
I reject Russophobia
About the movie  “Volhynia” erstwhile  again...
Blunt, Ruthenic propaganda
Whitewashing: erstwhile   do they put swords into plongheads?
Zinkiewicz: The returning wave, i.e. from the pages not only of Polish history
"Sieci": Inna prawda o tragedii w Szczecinie
[Asia in rapprochement] India - Altar-throne alliance is coming
Katyn, or an endless chance  to fester
Words of Peace in a planet  Full of War
Rzeczpospolita jako "marchia". Toynbee i Friedman mają rację
Defeat of Ukrainian peculiar   forces
Ukraine drags us into war