World politics

Yoon Suk-yeol will be forced to resign from his position
Serbia at a crossroads
Donald Trump Talks About Banning TikTok
Here are the most popular entries on Wikipedia in 2024
NATO chief speaks out on events in Syria
Jakub Ignaczak: The Global conflict   of the strategy   and the Anti-Steam at the Level of Metapolitics
Germany and 4  another  European countries suspend processing of Syrians' asylum applications
China launches antitrust investigation into Nvidia
Police officers start a fresh  protest
TikTok tried to save itself with the First Amendment — and failed
Forecast of events in Syria
Russia – Syria: The Reality of Geopolitics
Russia – Syria: Reality and Geopolitics
Zelensky criticized for cherry-blower outfit. “No respect”
Przejęcie władzy w Syrii będzie miało niezwykły efekt domina. "Jak upadek muru berlińskiego"
Are the events in Syria the implementation of an arrangement between regional players?
The US solar panel sales marketplace  has collapsed
Syria has fallen. Tusk congratulates jihadists
Umowa UE z Mercosur zbyt mocno otwiera nasz rynek? Stanowcze słowa ministra Siekierskiego
Marcin Drewicz: Borders of Ukraine part 1
„Albo zapłacicie, albo znikam z NATO”. Niepokojące słowa Donalda Trumpa
Niebezpieczny mariaż władzy i pieniędzy. Nowa administracja Trumpa to klub miliarderów
Not Just TikTok. That's the function  Facebook Played in Manipulating Romania's Elections
Rosyjski blamaż. Bronisław Komorowski o pękającym wizerunku Putina
Czy Francja pogrąży się w chaosie?
Czołgi z Korei? „Stronie polskiej się nie spieszy”
Korean president   Banned from Leaving the Country? Police Not Ruling Out Motion
The function  and importance of regions in EU policy and in the face of Poland's improvement  and transformation challenges | online debate
Air India, IndiGo Eyes Invaluable Go First Airport Slots
Emirates Adds fresh  regular  Flight to Melbourne with Retrofitted 777
South Korea's president   apologizes and is banned from leaving the country
December 8 - "Did Russia Just Trade Syria for Ukraine?"
Netanyahu Says Israeli Forces Secured Buffer region  In Golan Heights After Syria's Assad Toppled
Escobar: The Syria Tragedy & The fresh  Omni-War
Your eventual  Guide To Gift-Giving Etiquette
Trump grozi Europejczykom wyjściem USA z NATO. "Traktują nas okropnie"
WestJet Canceled Prince George to Vancouver Flight Impacts Taylor Swift Fans
Trump Threatens Ottawa Again With Tariffs. Canada Buys More from US Than China
Southwest Airlines CEO Bob Jordan wage  and Compensation in 2024
Phantoms of Racism - Does hatred  Have a Race?
"Gość Wydarzeń": Miłosz Motyka o słowach Trumpa ws. wyjścia z NATO
Trump grozi wyjściem z NATO. Wspomina o rozmowie z Putinem
It's time to decorate your homes for the holidays. The White home  is already decorated, and a German has broken the record
Bashar al-Assad's government  has fallen. Russian media study  that he has landed in Moscow
Syrian president   Bashar al-Assad Overthrown. muslim  Fundamentalists and Media-Political Elites Celebrate
TASS: Bashar al-Assad and his household  arrived in Moscow
Trump Lays Down His Cards: 'Allies Must Pay Bills'
Mateusz Morawiecki: Trump's triumph  is simply a signal that it is possible to break the "great leftist waves"
The Biblical… Trump Effect? A Boom in the American Publishing Market