World politics

The global  position  Quo: How global  Law and Geopolitics Sustain the North Korean Regime
China's economical  Pressures: Mechanisms and Consequences for Taiwan
Chinese shipyards on the offensive
Beijing fears the US? Xi Jinping: There will be no winners
"December 10 – Has Israel Fallen into a Trap in Syria?"
South Korea: erstwhile  defence  Minister Attempted to Commit Suicide
V.Putin: "Russians have no work   to be more Syrian than Syrians"
Trump's Election as FTC president  Pledges Fight Against 'Censorship' by Tech Companies
Putin's Syrian disaster - a knockout of superpower ambitions
"I spoke with Donald Tusk." Zelensky gave details
Syria's interim prime minister appointed, state institutions and offices besides  return to work
Opole: MPs listened to farmers' opinions on the agreement with Mercosur and the Green Deal
Silicon Valley Tycoons Are Shaping Trump’s Government: Elon Musk Is ‘Second Most Powerful Man in the World’
„Czy Palestyńczyk może być wolnym człowiekiem?”. Dwója z empatii, prawa i dziennikarstwa [POLEMIKA]
Ceny mleka w Polsce biją rekordy. Co czeka producentów i konsumentów?
Ukrainians trust Donald Trump? There's a fresh  poll
Viktor Orban met with Donald Trump
Orban-Trump meeting: "Hungarian p.m.  ready to go on peace mission to Kiev and Moscow"
Mercosur-euforia w niemieckim przemyśle
Politico: Von der Leyen's Problems with Donald Trump
Polski prezydent wśród liderów zaufania społecznego w Ukrainie, ale traci względem lat ubiegłych
Trump wypowie UE wojnę handlową? Powodem ataki Wspólnoty na big techy
A monument commemorating AK soldiers was vandalized in Russia
A Week in the Life of Politicians. Rafał Trzaskowski on CNN
Warnings for Russia
"Agent Tomek show" on TVP Info
Emmanuel Macron will come to Warsaw
Nvidia investigation signals deepening US-China chip war
Sensacyjne wieści ws. sprzedaży TVN. "Transakcja jest już dogadana"
Upadek Assada może nasilić kryzys migracyjny w Europie. Brytyjczycy wstrzymali przyjmowanie azylantów z Syrii
Upadek Asada może nasilić kryzys migracyjny w Europie. Brytyjczycy wstrzymali przyjmowanie azylantów z Syrii
Dziopa: The cult of personality in Polish politics
Przyszłość Andrzeja Dudy jest przesądzona? To byłaby prawdziwa sensacja
Will Trump Save TikTok? The App Is Fighting to last  in the U.S.
No more asylum villages for Syrians. More EU countries suspend the procedure
No more asylum applications for Syrians. More EU countries suspend the procedure
Koniec dotacji do pieców gazowych
"Syria's Fall Paving the Way for "Greater Israel""
Historical timeline: December 10, 1789 – Poles fall for an alliance with Prussia
Migrants from a country of migrants – or about migration from Egypt to the EU
Zinkiewicz: Kellogg – "I don't think there will be negotiations"
Donetsk Diary – What the White home  Doesn't Want to Reveal
Hands: The Palestinian Syndrome
Homemade drones as a way to mass participation of global  volunteers in defence  of ukraine – program materials
Scientists advise EU to halt  solar geoengineering
Events in Syria are a strong blow to Iran
Fall of Bashar al-Assad's government. Türkiye decides on Syrian refugees
Kwaśniewski w ''Gościu Wydarzeń'': Rozmawiajmy, żeby nie oddać Ukrainy Putinowi
Yoon Suk-yeol will be forced to resign from his position
Serbia at a crossroads