World politics

“Moment of Truth” in France: A Real Earthquake Could Happen on Wednesday
Decyzja Bidena o ułaskawieniu syna. Media: To hipokryzja. Prezydent USA nie zdał egzaminu jako mąż stanu
Eurocommunists plan to monitor mobile devices in real time
Trump's plan for the destiny  of Ukrainian territory   published
The US is bringing out the large  guns. China won't get American technology
Międlar and Osadczy in Kalna about Banderism
Strefa buforowa „zostaje” przy granicy z Białorusią
TVP liquidates Distribution Office and reduces number of manager  positions
Kto będzie nowym dyrektorem FBI?
W 2025 dolar wpadnie w wielki kryzys: kurs 30 proc. niższy od euro, franka i jena, a w odpowiedzi eksplozja kryptowalut: ich rynek wzrośnie aż o 400%. Tak prognozują ekonomiści Saxo Banku
Wojna handlowa zaostrza się. Chiny zakażą eksportu dwóch ważnych pierwiastków do USA
Donald Trump Threatened Hamas
USA: General had crucial  assignment in Afghanistan. Now he has mission in Europe
Donald Trump's amazing  Decision
USA: A Way to Deal with sex  Ideology? There is simply a Draft Law Defining the Terms: Woman, Man and Sex
India: force  escalates, Christians driven out of more villages
The Pope Was About to Ban the Tridentine Mass, But He Was Discouraged by… an Orthodox? amazing  Information
December 2nd - "MAGA is simply a (((Family))) Case"
Donald Trump's First European Trip: It's Going to Be a peculiar   Day
Scholz cynicznie wykorzystuje Ukrainę przed wyborami? Niemieckie media: Zgrywa obrońcę Europy
Big Booo!
Public holidays and non-working days in China in 2025
Wrogość wobec Żydów staje się szlachetna
Trump won due to this
Legia ukarana za transparenty obrażające Aleksandra Łukaszenkę
Donald Trump Issues Ultimatum to Hamas, Threatens 'Hell' in the mediate  East
Joe Biden Pardons His Son: 'I Hope the American People Understand'
Police pacify another protest in the center of Tbilisi
Suitcase detonation  at Chopin Airport. Charges for Foreigner
Restrictions to be imposed in Paris to guarantee  Notre Dame's safe opening
Miksa: My "Russian Narrative"
Central Europe’s parliamentary edge: a democratic advantage
Neither the 3rd  Polish Republic nor Ukraine wants to clarify Polish-Ukrainian relations
Mogą podzielić Ukrainę? Stoltenberg mówi o kompromisie
It's a real race against time as Microsoft, HP and Dell arm themselves to stock up
Georgia. Protests in the streets, clashes with police
Civil defence  in Sweden
Bieleń: The Dogma of the Enemy
Angela Merkel's Autobiography: The Empress of Europe Regrets Nothing
Peace between Israel and Hezbollah may prove to be temporary
Szlęzak: Let's not go back to Lviv
The French government is hanging by a thread. Everything depends on the decision of Marine Le Pen's party
One story
Russian-Ukrainian War. study  02.12.2024
"It's a creeping dictatorship." Hot comments after Piotr Pogonowski's arrest
Georgia is burning