World politics

Trump ma problem. Ekspert: Putin wcale nie chce negocjacji ws. Ukrainy
Linie lotnicze z zakazem lotów do Unii Europejskiej. Są na czarnej liście
Poland in Belarusian state media. Only spies and saboteurs
Historical timeline: December 14, 1970 – beginning of strikes on the Coast
"Europa pomoże w odbudowie Syrii". Scholz obiecuje wsparcie po obaleniu Asada
Brexit do likwidacji? Wbrew opiniom polityków Europejczycy po obu stronach kanału La Manche są na „TAK”
Tim Cook is the latest tech CEO to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago
Tim Cook Visits Mar-a-Lago for Friday Dinner with Trump
Chinese energy present  and tomorrow
Nancy Pelosi hospitalizowana po wypadku na oficjalnym wydarzeniu
Trump Will Likely Kill Crash Reporting regulation  That Made Tesla Look Bad
It took Tusk a year to destruct  the state. Post-communism is back
TikTok ban: Apple must remove it from App store   next month
New French Prime Minister Wants Unity: Agreement Is Necessary
How I Became Orthodox
"Are we normal? Quo Vadis, Poland?"
Duda's fresh  job. Oczkoś is not surprised. "You could see he was struggling with this politics"
We know all the white and red rivals
The government wants to prevent the takeover of TVN. Media experts measure  the plans of the Polish prime minister
Development instruments – will they build the competitiveness of Polish companies?
The destiny  of Syria hangs in the balance. The decision will be made at a gathering  of planet  diplomats in Jordan
France has a fresh  prime minister
France has a fresh  prime minister. Macron received the oath from his political ally
Marcin Bogdan:Extermination of Europe
Marcin Bogdan: The Extermination of Europe
Niepokojące wieści z amerykańskich mediów. Trump rozważa podjęcie działań militarnych
Jest nowy premier Francji. Pałac Elizejski ogłosił nazwisko
France: president   Emmanuel Macron appoints fresh  prime minister
France has a fresh  prime minister. Macron has appointed Francois Bayrou to the position
Nancy Pelosi Appeals to Vatican. Abortionist Wants Holy Communion
Szef NATO wzywa do przygotowań do wojny z Rosją. Podał możliwą datę jej wybuchu
Stanisław Michalkiewicz: Anxiety and delirious states
USA szykują wielkie dostawy uzbrojenia dla Ukrainy. Chcą uprzedzić Trumpa
Mark Zuckerberg kisses Donald Trump's ring. Tribute besides  includes $1 million for Trump's fund and a pair of smart glasses
Leszek Żebrowski supported martial law
Eight Years Later: How Has Trump Changed?
Trump Does Not regulation  Out a Direct Attack on Iran
Trump Points Out Harris' Mistakes: She Turned Down besides   Many Interviews
Tusk's controversial decision  against TVN. "We're getting on shaky ground"
Navi Mumbai global  Airport Tests PAPI System
IndiGo Flight Chaos: Nearly 400 Passengers Stranded in Istanbul
USA rozważa atak na Iran. Sensacyjne doniesienia
The situation in Romania
Czy Rosja uderzy "za cztery do pięciu lat"?
Historical timeline: December 13, 1981 – communists introduce martial law
Trump chce wojsk w Ukrainie. Ale europejskich
Ile zapłacimy za dolara? Król walut korzysta na "efekcie Trumpa" [PROGNOZA]
Jewish-Banderite ball in the church - without Zionist directors, they were waiting for the fall of Syria
US raises tariffs on Chinese solar products
Sundar Pichai and Jeff Bezos head to Mar-a-Lago to talk to Trump