World politics

“Hidden cognition  of Heterosexuality”
April 4 — “Humanity Wants to Die”
Is it possible to inherit an inheritance from a erstwhile  spouse?
“Smiling Poland.” The police and the prosecutor's office did not let  the priest with the last anointing to the victims of the accident
Mike Stone - “Solar Eclipse; What Is Real Power Planning?”
Bubble theory
Chinese cruise ship number 2 under construction
The judaic  Mirror
Judge Yushchyshyn sued his repressors. The defendants are asked to apologize and...
Work on the amendment of the calculation of the wellness  contribution has stalled
“Smiling censorship.” A wave of comments on Bodnar's plans that compromise freedom of speech
Israel's panic  ambassador issued message  denying alleged 'apology'
Generał Skrzypczak odpowiada Biełsatowi: Pułk Kalinowskiego wyzwoli Białoruś
We uncover  how PiS financed the municipalities that its people managed?
Ecodevans will cry. Old Mercedes more eco than cars promoted as “eco”
Globalne kumoterstwo.
They bought heat pumps and now they're crying. Poles quit their purchase
The procedure for the dismissal of the “president” of the Regional Court in Ostrołęka has started
The Spanish Prime Minister proposes that the EU sever relations with Israel!
Nie mają hamulców! W odpowiedzi na żądanie odszkodowania za mord na Polaku, żydowski prawnik podnosi kwestię roszczeń wobec Polski
Israeli Ambassador Attacks Journalist! Behind the Scenes of the Interview [VIDEO]
Rain tax: Government plans changes
Withdraw cash. ATMs and ATMs will not be available
Is Trump Encouraging Russia to Attack another  Countries? — ft. Mateusz Grzeszczuk @podrozbezpaszportu
Deadlines for the usage  of overdue leave
Japanese scientists afraid  about blood transfusions from patients vaccinated against C-19
Germany, US reject Macron's thought  of relations with Russia
Germany in China — average  Optimism
Biden administration urges legislature  to approve F-15 sales to Israel
Blisko 1,7 mln ludzi zostało pozbawionych dachu nad głową w Strefie Gazy. Palestyńczycy zmuszani są …
Illegal heads of courts in Warsaw and Elbląg themselves resign from the positions they occupied so far
WIRON is to replace WIBOR. What does this mean for borrowers?
12 kwietnia we Wrocławiu odbędą się obchody Palestyńskiego Dnia Ziemi*, który został ustanowiony prz…
Diplomatic war over the Falklands
Duda takes authoritative  'stand' on killing of Polish man by Israeli military
New Provisions for Treasure Seekers: Controversy in the Polish Sejm
The musical planet  of the “Picnic” Group
Another incidental  involving PiS is underway. The program “Willa Plus” in the interest of MEN
Envelope Choices. Illegal Constitutional Court rejects requests to exclude Pavlovich and Piotrowicz
The PiS organization  has another problem. NIK sheds light on NCBR case
Changes In The Beam Tax: fresh  Details From The Ministry
Do you own chickens? Compulsory registration of chickens and poultry has begun
Mandatory renovation of the home  and apartments. Parliament approved the law
Is the reserve subject to inheritance?
Hollownia offered condolences to the household  of a volunteer murdered in Gaza. He forgot to mention that the execution  was carried out by Israel.
Labor law allows the payment of wages for work into one's own hands. Download homemade application pattern
“He forgot the ox, how a calf he was.” Michał Kołodziejczak shoes for PLN 3,500 make a “furore”
Representative of Israeli war criminals accuses Poland of anti-Semitism
China: economical  Data, January-February 2024
Atak na konwój World Central Kitchen – zbrodnia wojenna Izraela