World politics

Terrorist Israel has achieved its goal! Humanitarian organizations end their mission in the Gaza Strip
The reaction of the Polish Ministry of abroad  Affairs is late, but still. Ambassador of terrorist Israel summoned to the carpet
The prosecutor is conducting a case against Ziobro's disciplinary representatives
Only after 36 hours does Tusk respond  to the rude post of the Israeli ambassador and Netanyahu's position on the terrorist attack
Farmers' strike on April 4. Farmers are announcing large demonstrations in front of parliamentary offices
Jerzy Kasperczyk has died. Creator of Kubuś juice
Jews mock the execution  of a Pole! They call volunteers "terrorists" and compose  about "shitty Poles" [18+]
After the execution  of a Polish volunteer in the Gaza Strip, Israel accuses Poles of anti-Semitism!
There is simply a description of how Jews killed volunteers! "Premeditated murder", intimidation of volunteers and starvation of Palestinian civilians
ZUS sends crucial  letters. What do they contain?
The European Parliament elections will be a success for the right
Bomb threat in the Norwegian parliament in Oslo
The president   of the individual  Data Protection Office imposed penalties on 2  banks for failing to decently  defend  client  interests after a data leak
April 2 - "The West is experiencing a tense  breakdown"
"Nie ma nic szykownego w satanizmie"
Santander bank had a data leak. Passwords, names, surnames and PESEL numbers
In what order should inheritance debts be repaid?
China: mediate  Class Under force  and Income Inequality
Volunteers are no longer with us, but we will shortly  forget
Hungarian conservatives at their conference admit   Biden as persona non grata
Farmers deceived by Siekierski and Kołodziejczak began to occupy the Ministry of Agriculture
The tallness  of rudeness! Terrorist Israel's ambassador equates the killing of volunteers in Gaza with the Braun fire extinguisher incident
Matters related to sex  change will be included in the catalog of urgent matters. Minister Bodnar wants changes
The Ministry of abroad  Affairs issued a message  regarding the incidental  in Gaza without identifying Israel as liable  for the death of the Pole
A fresh  survey   shows a change in Poles' attitude towards the European Union
Black clouds over von der Leyen. European prosecutors take over Belgian investigation into Pfizer vaccines
Pragniemy również złożyć najszczersze kondolencje rodzinom i członkom organizacji World Central Kitchen….
Scandalous reaction of the spokesperson  of the Israeli army after the attack in Gaza in which a Polish volunteer was killed
How much does a wedding for 100 people cost in 2024. Latest calculations
The Israeli military bombed a humanitarian convoy. A Pole died
Jabłoński: The Pole's killers must answer for the crime
The second edition of the housing program. Check what the conditions are
Smiling Poland? Voters of the coalition on October 15 feel cheated
The taxation  office started taking money from bank accounts for non-payment of tv   licence  fees
A bank in Poland filed for bankruptcy. It has been sold
Jews killed a Polish volunteer! A scandalous message  from the Polish Ministry of abroad  Affairs
Farmers announce "gifts" in front of parliamentary offices
Jews are striving for a planet  war?! The consulate and residence of the Iranian ambassador were bombed [VIDEO]
J. Matysiak from the USA: Will Trump save America?
Seniors will receive smaller pensions. All due to the Central Statistical Office data
New recipes. Bathing in the sea only after blowing into the breathalyzer
A large bank in Poland is introducing changes. Without it, you will not be able to log in to the bank
The Ministry of abroad  Affairs announces the initiation of an investigation into the death of a Pole in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli attack
From present  you must have an energy certificate. punishment  for missing PLN 5,000
From April 1, fresh  regulations limiting homework came into force
"Russia expresses outrage as death toll rises to 11 after Israeli attack on Iran embassy in Damascus."
Poles want their money back. Banks sued for over PLN 22 billion
It is legal to pay little  than the national minimum wage
A public administration body must respond   to an anonymous request for access to information