World politics

Petr Pavel to bury the Visegrad Group?
Sadoś: Polska zawiedziona postawą KE ws. sankcji wobec Rosji
Will Serbia yet    lose Kosovo and Metohije?
W nowym "Sieci": Budujemy najsilniejszą lądową armię Europy!
Orban to Ukrainians: Come on, Russia will win
Hołd PiSowski na Krakowskim Rynku
Graban: Western Cultural Unification and Its economical  Consequences
Ursula in Ukraine with a cagank of progressive education...
Emir Kusturica: West wants to set fire to the Balkans, Europe is in large  danger
Stare: 14 Videos That Will Influence You Want To Boom Out "Are You Kidding Me?"
Szczęśniak: Gas winner of the Ukrainian war
[Bored on Friday] Does Germany want Ukraine to fall?
Effects of Westernization
Winnicki: Rosja pozostaje egzystencjalnym zagrożeniem dla Polski
ChatGPT Writes Poem Praising Hunter Biden, Nonetheless…
PO na salonach Brukseli, PiS z pomocą na wschodzie Ukrainy
US military bases. The Pentagon is looking for tech for personnel surveillance
Prof. Anna Raźny: The fall of civilization of Poland
Prof Mearsheimer: “It is the West that is guilty of the outbreak of war in Ukraine.”
American current...
[Right to nuance] How Christian Poland will halt  the fall of the West
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (07/2023/259)
Historical stories by Bogusław Voloshański
TYLKO U NAS. Co wicemarszałek Sejmu robi na Ukrainie?
Jan Engelgard: Stalingrad
Agnieszka Fotyga calls for Russia to be broken up
Anna Fotyga calls for Russia to be broken up
2.02.23. On Democracy
Gorlicka: A Word on the Surveillance Act
Saryusz-Wolski: W UE widać determinację, by zagłodzić Polskę
Poles regain their minds
Democrats Quietly Awe Over Kamala Harris’ 2024 Ambitions
FBI Searches President Biden’s Luxurious Seaside Home For Classified Documents
Stream of life-giving messages
From Negro to hangover, or who does Radoslaw Sikorski make a cane to?
More Ukrainian than the Pope!
Szlęzak: Faces of Totality
ACTA to przy tym pikuś. Rząd nam szykuje totalną inwigilację, o jakiej w PRL nie było mowy
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (06/2023/258)
The White home  hits Huawei
Antoniak: large  Anniversary and a fewer  Reflections
Greenpeace: Let's save the forests of the Carpathians! Europe's last wildlife bastion
Handout: Has Russia already won a atomic  war?
Kiev against Romanian minority
Heroiczna pomoc Polski dla Ukrainy czeka na dobrą promocję
Petr Pavel wybrany na nowego prezydenta Czech
Piskorski: No ideas for Ukraine
Barbarossa - Militärische Sonderoperation 1941
Jastrzębski: Who needs Poland?
Partia Konserwatywna żąda od anglikanów uznania "homomałżeństw"