World politics

Piskorski: Strong and helpful
Why does Mateusz Morawiecki honor pro-Russian politicians?
Crack in the Paris-Rome axis
Russia - the country of “doctor” Vapor
Cinema of the 21st century — all  party, “tfurca” must
Separatists win in French Polynesia
Tomasz Gryguć in Belarus, or grassroots diplomacy
History buggers
Orban: Soros and Washington want war
You don't should be bankrupt
Odessa 2014 — The Silent Crime
Where Rome, where Crimea... where Kiev and Moscow
Cloud for the military. The first "secret" orders are launched
Jasina: Cierpi w więzieniu, ale jest dzielnym człowiekiem
April PMI down!
Pope Francis in Budapest
Fighting in Sudan against the background of the interests of the powers
Zbigniew Lipinski: The trampled martyrdom of the Kresowians
Anatoly Antonov: this was a terrorist attack
Jews in safe
Banyś: Cybernetic analysis of conflicts — England vs. India
On May 9
Coronation of King Charles III in large  Britain
We tell poland to the world: about the constitution of may 3
Conservative continuation in Paraguay
Marek Budzisz from strategy   and Future is not optimistic about Russia's attack on Poland
De Benoist: The Age of Civilizations
The White home  wants to see how companies usage  AI to supervise employees
Pulling the dragon by the tail
Is TikTok spying on us?
Groźba zabójstwa polskiego ambasadora. Ostra reakcja MSZ
Propaganda Kremla grozi ambasadorowi RP. Jest reakcja MSZ!
We bomb for peace. US military peculiar   operation in Cambodia
Action of the Turkish services. muslim  State leader taken down
Kulas: Provocation of “Kielce 45"
Chinese billionaires Hurun Rich List 2023
SS-Galizien.Great bluff
Misinformation and Provocation
The disaster of American abroad  policy
Piskorski: Autonomous Europe?
Rural restless, uneventful village
[Boisted on Friday] Is China ripping off Putin and Biden in Ukraine?
US delays aid to Uganda over 'anti-LGBT law'
On the partisan way   27 of the Volyn DP AK and in captivity
How do Belarusian services recruit “couriers”? [VIDEO]
Children of the Russian elite are hiding in the West