World politics

"A secret conspiracy by global elites against food".
“Kim Iversen warns that mosquitoes with edited genes can be utilized  to mass mass... without consent!” (video)
Whitewashing: Imperial Obsessions
Room, Azov, Hiroshima
German Weapons Kill Russians Again
“Biden administration launches' HeAttracker 'tool to track heat-related illnesses" (video)
“Midazolam murders! : good  NG163 guidelines were utilized  to slaughter the elderly” (video)
China: The number of bank accounts is growing
“On the edge of the abyss” - no U.S. presidential election in 2024?”
Szczęśniak: Digital ruble
More of a Legnic. aid  Stefan and another  Ukrainian soldiers
[Invited on Friday] Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Wagner. How to respond   to hybrid threats?
"Japonia planuje uwolnić ścieki z elektrowni jądrowej Fukushima w tym miesiącu"(video)
Humanitarian aid needed on the Polish-Belarusian border. Support our activities!
Diplomats in the crosshairs of Belarus. Hackers have been attacking for nearly a decade
Poles in Latvia: Existence or Extermination?
China: economy in the first half of 2023
Slacks, socks and dictators
Obrońca agenta Swirydowa na czele kandydatów Konfederacji
Russian troops 7 km from Kupiansk
More Biden sanctions. This time, restrictions on investment in key industries
Competition for hackers. Millions of dollars for the winner
Because from Belarus you may never come back. Lithuania warns border crossers
Reducing American Investment in China — Act I
New legal regulations
Citizens of Lithuania recruited by Belarusian services?
"Co musisz wiedzieć o następnej plandemii"(video)
"Newsom sfinansował chińskie laboratorium C...D znane FDA Bidena"(video)
Meloni in the arms of globalists?
Weber w Niemczech, a wagnerowcy na Białorusi. To kleszcze!
A year ago, Biden bet on chips. Do U.S. ambitions stand a chance of realization?
Modzelewski: “Sobering”
Mulomski: Partido Popular? No thanks
We invitation  you to a organization  on the occasion of the Polish Army Day — see the most modern equipment of our modernized army
Debate: threat of deadly escalation
Zinkiewicz: Putin's Warsaw agents
Is China strengthening control of the digital space?
Dłuszyński: Extinguished memory stick in Szczecin-Dąbia
The left's full   war on Trump...
China's abroad  trade is inhibiting!
We request   “a lot more forces at the border.” How many soldiers will the MON send?
Jak Rosjanie wykorzystują wypowiedź Podolaka o Polsce?
"FANATYKA "Zmiany klimatu" jest NAJWIĘKSZYM ZAGROŻENIEM, przed jakim stoi w tej chwili świat"
"Polska alarmuje NATO, wysyła więcej żołnierzy na granicę po oskarżeniu Białorusi o naruszenie jej przestrzeni powietrznej"(video)
The Forgotten Hero — Capt. Karol Jamnicki
Drones alternatively  of tanks
Weekly press, or review of events by Tamara Olszewska (31.07-6.08.2023)
Historical timeline: August 7, 1914 — Germany storms Kalisz