World politics

BRICS vs. West. An effort  to build a fresh  planet  order
Whistleblower and "Dirty Game". Was the Western-induced war in Iraq illegal?
McDonalds French Fries Commission in Philadelphia
Israel has found Hezbollah's treasury. It is located under a Lebanese hospital
Golla: Behind the scenes of German and European politics
Wybory prezydenckie w USA. Harris podwyższy płacę minimalną, a Trump zniesie podatek dochodowy?
Kamala Harris in the lion's den. Is her interview for Fox News a failure?
Musk's electoral lottery. Is this truly  an immoral thought  to outplay the Democrats?
Alfred Rosenberg - The Agenda of Organized ........: Depopulation and Slavery"
Harris kontra Trump - kto prowadzi w swingujących stanach?
A series of arson attacks in Poland. Sikorski on the Russian saboteur. "We know about further plans"
Hand: Stolypin and Putin
Zinkiewicz: The technology of hidden power
Izrael znalazł pretekst? "Hezbollah ukrywa 500 milionów pod szpitalem"
Israel reports on the "Hezbollah treasury". Trump and Harris on the finances of Americans. Summary of the night
Tusk outbid and that's why they omitted Poland in Berlin? "Scholz was not the only 1  who decided"
Where did this crowd of "Hitlers" come from?
A fresh  chapter in Japan's politics: What direction will Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru take?
BRICS summit in Kazan
Corey Lewandowski: Donald Trump must get along with Putin and he must get along with Zelensky
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz has a fresh  job. There is simply a decision of the European Parliament
"The department is intimidated"
Israeli Minister: We Will Encourage the 'Voluntary Relocation' of All Residents of the Gaza Strip
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz objęła mandat europosła po Marcinie Kierwińskim
Izrael grozi Hezbollahowi zniszczeniem ich bastionu
The Civic Coalition has a fresh  MEP
Pentagon chce kupić 121 tys. gogli od Microsoftu. Barierą nie do pokonania może być cena
Ukraine spits in our faces! "Bankruptcy of the Kaczyński and Tusk system"
Modzelewski: "Outplayed by the Ukrainians"
Wietnam ma nowego prezydenta. To generał i członek kluczowej partii
The head of the Pentagon announced a fresh  aid package for Ukraine
Andrzej Duda's visit to South Korea
Szczyt BRICS w Kazaniu. Rosja i Chiny chcą zdestabilizować światowy porządek
Meeting in Berlin on Ukraine without Polish. This is how the Polish government explains it
Italian legislature  tightens rules against surrogacy
Czego Chiny chcą od kolejnego prezydenta USA? Nie tylko Tajwanu
Izrael przekazał swoje żądania dot. zakończenia konfliktu w Libanie. USA: Nie ma szans
Ukraine: Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin to visit Kyiv
„Uderzę w pie***oną Moskwę”. Szokujące groźby Trumpa wobec Władimira Putina
Poland's migration policy. Changes in approach
Nieudany zamach na Netanjahu: Żelazna Kopuła okazała się dziurawa, a Izrael zyskał dodatkowy pretekst do odwetu
Death of Hamas's heretic. He was killed during an accidental action
Mike Stone -" Nothing crucial   will change under Trump's administration"
Without Duda and Tusk. Berlin gathering  on Ukraine
Milion dolarów dziennie za podpis. Musk z petycją przed wyborami w USA
Polskie służby vs białoruski reżim. "Nowe przepisy dają nam większy komfort" [WIDEO]
Prime Minister Tusk lies to the Poles about the migration pact!
Donald Tusk, or the bunny syndrome
NATO threat - "they already see us"