
Wystawa prac grupy artystów "ROTA" i gości w GALERII WIEŻA do 29.10.2023
19.10. - wprowadzenie relikwii bł. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki do kościoła w Radomiu
O tym, iż PiS wybory wygrał, ale wreszcie przegrał władzę!
Namiot Solidarnych2010 trwa na placówce w niedziele i każdego 10.! - aktualizacja
Kaczynski's fury. Did he have reason to respond  in this way?
Is this already a symptom of the disease? Kaczyński destroyed the wreath at the Smolensk monument. There is simply a police reaction
162. Smoleński Marsz Pamięci - 10.10.2023 - relacja
Pamięci Ofiar Katastrofy Smoleńskiej. "Czwórkami do Nieba szli..."
Dołącz! 162. Smoleński Marsz Pamięci - 10.10.2023
Korwin-Mikke, Bosakow, Walesow. Which families are powerfully  drawn to politics?
Trafficking in the memory of the victims of the Ukrainian genocide
Wielki Eksperyment...
Jastrzębski: Styrofoam Hell
Aktualne badania na temat Katastrofy Smoleńskiej - wykład Glenna Jorgensena. Zapraszamy!
2. Pierdyliards, spin and revolution
Bohaterowie Najwyższej Izby Kontroli 1939-1945. Pamiętamy
Late president   of poland lech kaczyński visionary of free poland
“Your injections are killing our young people!” - representatives of Pfizer and Moderna hit out during heated proceeding  in the Australian legislature  "(video)
Czy polityk, który nie korzysta z Fejsbóka może pozywać o naruszenie dóbr osobistych — na Fejsbóku?
Weekly press release, or a review of Tamara Olszewska's events (17-23 July 2023)
Historical calendar: July 15, 1410 – conflict  of Grunwald
Zamość Girls from Volhynia
Is the twenty-first century a minute  of demolition  or rebirth?
KPA president   Frank Spula among those speaking in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland during the 6th planet  legislature  of Polish and Poles from Abroad (VIDEO)
Weekly press release, or a review of Tamara Olszewska's events (19-25 June 2023)
Poliszczuk: Ukraine must condemn Bandera's OUN
A good symbol worth more than 300 tanks
Statement by Sławomir Mentzen
Targowica from krakow's kleparz
Not with us specified  numbers! On the issue of "new GMOs" 340 social organizations compose  to Timmermans
Donald Tusk is the least credible among politicians on social issues - didaskalia #11
Generous Mr. Tusk, who buried 19 billion...
Biernacki: PiS is strong in opposition
Aims of the war
Casa's catastrophe - a dress rehearsal before Smolensk?
Feverish preparations for the anniversary of the Donald Putsch...
Act on the Protection of the Honour of the President
Semeniuk-Patkowska: Tusk is eliminated by his competitors from PO
Wassermann: Russian agent in Poland is not a fairy tale. There's quite a few it
A wave of hatred after the publication of a book about Haidamaka crimes against Poles! They want to censor history
Our everyday Tupolev
It is hard   to blame Zelenskiy for not being Duda
What about the Smolensk investigation A.D. 2023? It's starting to get interesting
Commemoration of the Sign of Hope
“and the name of birch ninety-six”
Weekly press release, or a review of Tamara Olszewska's events (27 February – 5 March 2023)
What are parliamentary ghost commissions?
83rd anniversary of the deportation of Poles to Sibir