Polish politics

[Iandering Forecast] Sweden's chances of entering NATO just flew up
The Council of Ministers adopted the draft Law on Electronic Communications. The most crucial  changes
Digital Circles of Country Housewives are created - an thought  to fight exclusion
I'm moving  on rails
Edukacja, Kościół, Prawo i Gospodarka. Konferencja "Tydzień Życia i Wolności" 2022
When is the 5G auction? Cieszyński: safety  is the priority, not profits
Najlepsze realizacje architektoniczne w Gdańsku
Poles and Germans, or the power of negative stereotypes
Poland-Germany. Outdated reconciliation
Without phobias and without submission — a fresh  beginning  in Polish-German relations
Poles and Germans: how to break stereotypes?
Poland is simply a country with a completely average  history
Konecka: Turul. Will Ukrainians provoke the reconstruction of Greater Hungary?
TYLKO U NAS. Mocna dyskusja nt. Marszu Niepodległości!
[Sawchuk on Monday] Why is Kaczynski attacking young women?
Did the covid putans deserve amnesty?
Radzikowski: independency  and Sovereignty
Handle: Prof. Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, PhD (1930-2022)
Danek: “The economical  Novel”
[Right to nuance] What John Paul II knew
Protecting children from pornography. The law is under fire of criticism
Democrats are “losing”. Will America halt  supporting Ukraine? [VIDEO PODCAST]
The government will reconsider the uniformed petition with demands? Wąsik: We hear your voices
[Wandering Forecast] Tigraj — the price of successful military solutions
Elon Musk meddling in US elections?
Poles do not read the rules of social media
Pegasus has been utilized  to mark  opposition in Poland
Understanding the darkness, or the empty cautions of European intellectuals
Konwertowanie z JPG na PDF – wyjaśniamy jak gwałtownie zmienić format pliku
When Words Become Weapons
"Sieci": Nie damy rozedrzeć Polski!
Prezydent Duda w tygodniku "Sieci":Nie damy rozedrzeć Polski
Omnibus Directive. How are the fresh  rules for publishing reviews affecting online businesses?
Rebuilding the Saxon Palace — an act of patriotism or writing past  anew?
Kluza: Apparent inflation is close to 30-35 percent.
The end of telephone  calls with offers from "robots"? The Sejm adopted a government amendment to the Consumer Rights Act
A permanent barrier will be built on the border with Russia? Government spokesman: I do not regulation  it out
[Right to nuance] Poles and Germans. The Power of Negative Stereotypes
Economic chaos in the UK is simply a testament to the democratic strategy   of the EU
Anti-entrepreneurial mentality — a fresh  illness  of civilization
[View from K2] What liberalism is to us
On November 1, I don't go to cemeteries
On a surviving  bond with ancestors
The Ministry of Justice wants to punish for betrayal of the homeland
The Confederacy's Way to Fight Inflation: extremist  taxation  Cut and Social Spending Cuts.
A dam will be built on the border with Russia. Błaszczak: work begins today
Can Poland last  without money from the European Union?
Without EU money, inflation would be higher
To avoid disintegration, the Union must tighten its course towards Poland
Lost fresh  Year's Eve Prom and Fear of Being