Polish politics

How can the creation of the Warsaw metropolis change the functioning of the services?
MBank: we are modernizing the IT environment, wondering whether we will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of the public cloud
The Ministry of the Interior and Administration takes over the duty. The State work  Service will replace RCB
Cieszyński: we want to connect up to 100,000 to OSE classrooms. The pilotage starts
TYLKO U NAS. Poboży: Rosja to jest na czapce generała Pytla
Dlaczego MSWiA nie zainstaluje wszystkim swojej aplikacji
Massive cyber attack on Albania. Poland speaks out
"Sieci": Taka będzie wyborcza bitwa
W tygodniku "Sieci": Taka będzie wyborcza bitwa
Can Agrounia mess up?
“Poles will do anything for honor.” Krzysztof Bosak asked about Poland's bargaining position in relations with Ukraine
Ukrainian attacked policemen with a knife! The officer had to usage  a firearm
Government spokesperson  on uniform demands: The Ministry of the Interior and Administration will familiarize themselves with these demands
The city defender  has seated a cheeky Ukrainian! “This is our country, and you are guests!” [VIDEO]
PESEL and mObywatel in the fresh  structure. The Central Information Technology Center will be transformed
Reparations from Germany and #StopUkrainizacjiPolski. Katarzyna Treter-Sierpinska in CePoland [VIDEO]
TYLKO U NAS. Czarnek o scysji z Justyną Dobrocz-Oracz
7.8 percent, or how much? Police valorization in numbers
Ukrainians will be taught in schools in Wrocław. “Elementary cognition  of the Polish language is enough”
M. Skalski: The final end of the “modern endek”
Twitter will introduce the ability to edit tweets? Trials are already underway
Is the Ministry of the Interior and Administration doing its homework and changing the emergency notification system?
"The exclusion of black sheep is in the interests of decent officers." Michał Woś on the establishment of the interior   Inspectorate of the Prison Service
A systemic "earthquake", i.e. civilian  protection in the edition of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration
TYLKO U NAS. Ścigaj: Boli brak solidarności UE ws. uchodźców
Mustache: Espionage laws request   tightening up
,,Sieci": Będzie trzecia kadencja
Premier Morawiecki w "Sieci": Będzie trzecia kadencja
Narodowe Czytanie. Prezydent Duda: Romantyzm to wolność
Co prezydent sądzi o reparacjach? interesująca dyskusja polityków
The mediate  East is without the U.S.
Reparacje dla Polski? Karma dla pelikanów
RELACJA. Raport dot. reparacji. Prezes PiS: To dzień decyzji
Campus Poland of the Future. Tusk: I am not from Neonówka
TYLKO U NAS.Rzymkowski: Lewica chce tworzyć nowego człowieka
Alert level CHARLIE-CRP extended until the end of November
Work on the civilian  Protection Act is gaining momentum
"Digital elder  Clubs". The competition for the improvement  of digital competences is starting
TYLKO U NAS. Piebiak o spotkaniu Brzezińskiego z "kastą"
Next year's valorization below uniform expectations. The government has adopted an "ambitious budget for hard  times"
Wizyta młodych aktywistów i aktywistek z Norwegii w Polsce
W nowym "Sieci": Polska nie zrzekła się reparacji od Niemiec
[Right to nuance] We turn into chams
For the US in the ongoing geopolitical showdown Ukraine is not the most important, although for Europe it is
Cieszyński: No major successes of the enemy in cyberspace
Czarnek: a virtual shooting scope  in all  poviat. Talks with the maker  are ongoing
The Young People's Eye: How to drown out the voice of young people in politics
Drones, cameras, champagne, and he...? This showed the top  absurdity of Kaczmarczyk's statement
Wirtuoz nienawiści dał sygnał posłusznym mediom do furii
Portal for Ukrainians pracawpolsce.gov.pl. Cieszyński: A akin  solution is possible for Poles