Polish politics

[SAWCHUK ON MONDAY] Meat PiS. What does the right play erstwhile   it scares crickets and C40s?
Interseymore as the second lung of Europe, but with alveoli!
Does the mask defend  against covid-19, i.e. erstwhile   the Police apologize to Poles?
Tsarist ochrena
Skok na kasę? Bąkiewicz odpowiada Bosakowi i Winnickiemu
A Year of War in Ukraine — 4  Lessons for Poland
The Year of the War from the Polish Perspective. Cieszyński: We have more experience than always  [3 QUESTIONS TO]
The draft law on civilian  protection "will be polished". Will he get the green light this term?
Kiev: Putin's propagandist fell into the hands of the SBU
Liberals should halt  moralizing populists
In defence  of Dr. Leszek Sykulski
[Iitinerant Forecast] Iran is getting closer to the atomic bomb. He wants to solve the 'Israeli problem'
"Anti-retirement" supplement in the services signed by the president
Amendment to the PSA Act with government support. The changes are intended to streamline recruitment
The Church in the Time of Trial
Russia is going to fall apart. It's almost certain
They only want to kill you due to the fact that you're Ukrainian
Biden in Poland. What does Ukraine's triumph  look like?
Huge penalties for unauthorised clauses in insurance contracts
Democratic Manifesto: Consumption
The large  Anti-War Debate
[SAWCHUK ON MONDAY] Did God want that? About the book “Polish Atheist vs. Pole Catholik”
Świece w godzinie mroku. Św. Franciszek i św. Hiacynta Marto
Robert Bąkiewicz odwołany z funkcji prezesa Marszu Niepodległości
Adam Michnik on JPII — polemic
19.02.2023./Adam Michnik on JPII — polemic
Ks. Grzegorz Śniadoch IBP: Stara liturgia lepiej wyraża dogmaty i wiarę katolicką
Digital Marriages — Emotions for Sale
Vermeer's Jug
Iwicki: We make  a fresh  consumer viewer
Abp Fulton Sheen: Trwa apostazja serc! Nasz świat jest jak syn marnotrawny
Pisowski government  intensifies repression
Go home
Jews and Freemasons...
43. Ogólnopolska Pielgrzymka Obrońców Życia Człowieka na Jasną Górę
[Wandering Forecast] Why does the Polish ambassador compression  the Ayatollah's bloodied hand?
Św. Klaudiusz de la Colombière – Apostoł Serca Jezusowego
Lex Uber. The change in the regulations is to improve the safety of journeys on the application
If Tusk wants to win, he should bet on Trzaskowski
Why is the Confederacy dangerous to everyone?
American Jesuit on the Progressive Doom of Humanity
A Pole can
Minister of Justice with access to the civilian  registry. The law was sent to the Sejm
Andrzej Trzebiński: W klimacie kultury imperialnej
"Sieci": Tak Niemcy kręcą w sprawie pomocy Ukrainie
How to fold a napkin on the table? This is simply a proposal that you will surprise your guests
PiS gag nczas.com
80. rocznica mordu UPA w Parośli