Polish politics

Wychwalał PiS i krytykował Tuska na TikToku. Dziwnym przypadkiem wygrał 20 000 zł w programie TVP
Another scandalous statements made by Minister Czarnek
[Sawchuk on Monday] 100 billion euros. Will PiS lose money for Poland?
#CyberMagazyn: Prof. Zybertowicz: We are behind the "Venetian mirror", but we are being watched
[Bird on Friday] Bear in Dragon's Embrace
You will get your passport even easier
[Right to nuance] Polishness, or war of narrative
Who attacked the website of the Polish Senate?
“Noble Friday” in defence  of fidelity and purity. A unique run  as a consequence  to the alleged  “rainbow fives”
Szef MON: Chcemy zbudować potężne Siły Zbrojne RP
Propagandists push Putin against wall
The Confederation about the task  Toryto Plus: PiS realizes that the end awaits them.
History of content marketing — where did content marketing start and how is it perceived today?
Ukraine is expanding  the resilience of critical infrastructure. The bill was adopted
[Wandering Forecast] Ethiopia. War in the Shadow of Ukraine
Draft act on the ICT strategy   adopted by the government
ICT system. The government approved the bill
The government in the metaverse. Cieszyński: I do not underestimate the threats [INTERVIEW]
I didn't know why my grandma  spoke French to me
Against Liberal Orthodoxy
A weapon  in the home  will increase "defensive power"? Kaczynski: I am not 1  of those who think so
Here comes the curtailment of home education. The Confederacy protests.
[Sawchuk on Monday] In Pursuit of Reason. About the book “Discovering Freedom 2" by Leszek Balcerowicz
The Rebel of Choice — Cardinal Zen's Concept
Cieszyński: In the mObywatel application, we will make payments for authoritative  activities available
[Right to nuance] Trans. The fresh  Sexual Revolution in Poland
Useful idiots, symmetrists and traitors
The authorities are counting on a "calm and responsible" protest, as there is no chance for a higher valorization
Ogólnopolski protest mundurowych faktem. Manifestacja w Warszawie zaplanowana
German services: dependence on China must be reduced
Jak sprawdzić kto dzwonił i pozbyć się telemarketerów? Niezawodne sposoby
Kolejny "znany i lubiany" uważa, iż wolno mu więcej?
16 hours a day. Why are we fighting for jobs in Poland?
On the women's place. Review of Eimear McBride's book “Something Wiss. Femininity and Loathing”
How to rebuild Polish work culture?
Not all “boomers” worked for their own success
Our generation will change the occupation  market
Russia's assault on Ukraine was a jolt to the Baltic states
Zasady składania oświadczeń majątkowych w SOP do zmiany
[Sawchuk on Monday] Is work a value?
Polyomski matrimony  Conversations: A fresh  Book on Harari
The "Robogrant" program for the furniture manufacture  is launched
Break the household  taboo. Pride, fear and Polish-Jewish roots
The Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment launches an energy saving campaign. How do another  countries educate in this area?
Którą to myśl Urbana polska ćwierćinteligencja tak ceni?
The deputy head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration announces investments. "There will be money to retrofit shelters"
Will the Ministry of Digitization return?
Germany announces the extension of border controls with Austria
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