World politics

Prezydent: Bezpieczeństwo poza sporem i kompromis z KE
Prezydent: Zdaliśmy egzamin z człowieczeństwa i patriotyzmu
Opowieści Piątka i Rzeczkowskiego o kosmitach w Egipcie
Perverse federalism
Prorosyjscy hakerzy nie próżnują! Zaatakowali stronę Sejmu
Goodbye to 2022 year...
100 years ago, the USSR was founded — Russia's enemy
Przełomowy rok dla Wojska Polskiego! MON: Armia jest silna
Braun's Interpellation and Żaryn's “Answer”
The restraining order on the border with Belarus at little  than 200 meters will not be extended
Balcerowicz to Braun: you represent a moral-intellectual cheesy
The Pentagon invests in specialists. Then he loses them
TYLKO U NAS. Gosek: Kompromis ws. ustawy o SN jest możliwy
Radwan Loutfi: In Syria we love Poland
Piskorski: a biography of Putin without emotion
Political alphabet 2022
[Wandering Forecast] The astounding passivity of Moscow in Karabakh
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (43/2022/2)
Polyomski matrimony  Talks: German Dream of Empire
Wielkopolska Uprising 1919 — a glorious exception to the bad rule
Iwicki: The Breath of Western Music
Third Republic of Poland — are we waiting for a repeat of the 18th century?
Golla: 4th  Reich, or media show?
The Pentagon places a "particular emphasis" on 5G
War in Ukraine — November 2022
“Winter Holidays,” though not yet rainbow
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (43/2022/1)
Orban: Hungary is not for sale
Ukazał się 27. numer „Polityki Narodowej”
[Bored on Friday] Why Russia won't change
Quiet night, holy night...
Koniuszewski: The Age of Warring Kingdoms
Research shows that a man's success depends on the female  he marries, and vice versa
Putin's last firewall
Mentality of eternal losers
Belarus extends visa-free travel for 2023
Danek: spiritual   Culture of Positivism
Największa na świecie elektrownia fal morskich. 77 MW czystej mocy morza
Ukrainian blood is on the hands of US and UK leaders
The Pentagon raises the profile of the cyberforce
Bieleń: The large  sadness of the OSCE
Meeting with Dr. Leszek Sykulski
Tomasz Piątek: Biesiady Kaczyńskiego z oficerem KGB
Amazon Settles In Antitrust Cases. He will avoid punishment, but must comply with EU requirements
Who will tell you where the nearest shelter is?
The president   of the European Parliament invited Musk for a "honest public exchange"
Golla: nevertheless  Schneidemühl
Prof. Anna Raźny: More about Dugin
Piskorski: the legend of the neofolk in the version for the parquet
Gorlicka: actual  protection of life from conception until death