World politics

Iranian fleet over the Panama Canal?
Burza w Sejmie! Czarnek: Naprawiamy wasze zdradzieckie błędy
Contradictions of peculiar   Military Operation
Will legislature  join forces? Joe Biden's large  Tech Appeal
[Asia in rapprochement] Who gives oxygen to Russia
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (01/2023/1)
Lucky: Orlen's Russian dilemmas
The Pentagon will strengthen the safety  of the bases. It plans to implement facial designation  technology
Koniuszewski: Warrant or stimulation?
Prezydent Andrzej Duda przyjechał do Lwowa
TYLKO U NAS. Romanowski: To może zagrozić zwycięstwu ZP
Modzelewski: Polish Russophobia is part of the current correctness
In the name of the “free world”
Fake telephone  call by Russian pranksters to the president. 1  individual  lost his job
Jankowski: Marxism as a publicistic monster
"Aktywiści" kolejny raz porzucili migrantów?
Heroes are all around us, we don't gotta look for them in the past
If Russian culture were so great, Russians wouldn't be barbarians in Ukraine
Identity politics not working
Lasecki: Failed coup in Brazil
Bogusław Oct: Disappearing Ukraine
Press Review No. 114
WYWIAD. Bury: To było moje ostatnie spotkanie z Kłeczkiem
KPRM: Russian propagandist will not enter Poland
Engineers (Automotive) wanted
Russia — Putin's bankrupt state
Muzułmanin walczy z "islamofobią" w OMZRiK. Wychwala rewolucję islamską, sandanistów i gen. Franco
Radzikowski: And you will become a “cat”
'Magyar Hirlap': Ukraine stabbed Hungary in the back
Graban: Is it truly  the twilight of the West?
Marxism — Western poison killing Eurasia
China: Summary of the year 2022
Bleach: “connective” wars
The beginning of the “Tempest” in Volhynia
[Wandering Forecast] Shoigu reconciles terrorist with thief
Press Review No. 113
Broken, humiliated, subject — so much is left of “good change”
Gorlicka: Ukrainian social order in Poland
Jankovsky: knowing  The Specificity Of Russian Resentment
Handle: Russo-Ukrainian War. Winners and losers of the year 2022
Vilnius in the days of the breakthrough (1918/1919)
Soviet soldiers “evacuated” Ukrainian works. Today, Russians are stealing the opening
Modzelewski: Professional politicians would have ended this war a long time ago
Polish “elites” from the anointing of Klaus Schwab
We explain Twitter files (Twitter documents) — part 1  and two
Are we facing an escalation of the war...?
White: The Ukrainians have already lost this war
01.01.2023./Don't look up and? someway  it will be...
Prezydent: Bezpieczeństwo poza sporem i kompromis z KE