World politics

The censorship of the WHO. Here's what the planet  wellness  Organization has in store   for us
Generał broni Wiesław Kukuła mianowany na stanowisko szefa Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego
"The faces and names of the 150 Bilderbergers who controlled the consequence  of the 'pandemic' C... D-19"
"In the United States, concern about the increasing  number of boys who are victims of human trafficking"
"6 lessons from the AfD's immense  victories in the regional elections in Bavaria and Hesse"
Azerowie w Warszawie: Karabach do Azerbejdżanu
Co z ukraińską skargą na Polskę?
Podlaski OSG potrzebuje "systemowego wzmocnienia". Ilu powinien liczyć funkcjonariuszy?
“Israel Reportedly Asks US to Replenish Iron Dome Capturing Missiles as Netanyahu Warns of 'Long War'”
War in Israel! Hamas launches rocket attack on Israel
Pseudo-Patriotism vs. Pseudo-Progress
Sławomir Ozdyk: Let's be pragmatic
“We don't feel safe anymore!” Paris residents fear another wave of migrants arriving from Lampedusa”
“Korybko: The 10 most crucial  lessons from Hamas's insidious attack on Israel”
Second War
List Wielkiego Mistrza Wielkiej Loży Izraela
In defence  of the state, it is essential  to hotel  to various means. besides  the final ones.
Wojna w Izraelu. Czy najgorsze jeszcze przed nami? [PODCAST]
Elections, WHO and crucial  decisions
Wielomski: Dogs, liberalism and conservatism
The planet  does not regret Israel
The Secret Cooperation of the CIA, MI6 and the Nazis and How the Ukrainian Nazis Penetrated Europe and North America
“The contract for COVID-19 investigating  was issued 3 months before it was known that C... D-19 “officially” exists by a U.S. D.O.D company in Ukraine”
Another Not Our War
Swolkień: For freedom we gotta gain  ourselves
With his hand in the potty
“Hunter Biden Raided Daughter's College Fund for $20,000 to Buy Prostitutes and Drugs: Report”
Lasecki: Russia a colonial empire?
Bożena Ratter: Rozkład rodziny - to rozkład społeczeństwa, narodu i państwa
Premier Mateusz Morawiecki postawił weto ws. nielegalnej migracji
B.Ratter: Badaliśmy życie na Kresach przed wojną, losy jego obywateli w czasie wojny i ich losy po wojnie
How the United States Monetary strategy   Hardened (Part 1)
The amazing  Fall of McCarthy
USA: Fined for Planned Parenthood's organ trafficking disclosure. ultimate  Court Rejects Appeal of Life Defenders
P. Szymański: Alexander Hamilton. The Revolution
Chinese cars conquer the world, green technologies service  China
"Dzieje Polski" - najważniejszą polską książką po 1989 roku, tłumaczona na j.ang. i j.niem.!
“Vladimir Putin's Full Speech at the Waldai Discussion Club 2023” (video}
Pentagon: “Regrettable” that US F-16 fighter shot down Turkish drone in Syria
Samborski: I inactive  have a fewer  things to do
ONLY WITH US. Kolodzie: Tusk has no thought  about “Solidarity”
The European Commission will attack Polish agriculture. Will the government stand up?
Marcin Bogdan: Polska doktryna obronna czy niemiecka propozycja pokojowa?
“US home  of Representatives cuts backing  for UN, WHO, WEF and climate change”
“Operation Buyer's Remorse: 160 arrested in week-long human trafficking raid" (video}
“Club of Rome Plan for Mass Depopulation of People" (video}
“Federal kid  Trafficking Pipeline Revealed | THE REAL SOUND OF FREEDOM | Muckraker Report" (video}