World politics

TYLKO W "SIECI"! Kto stoi za operacją "Pytel"?
Gospodarka Indii już niedługo może wyprzedzić gospodarkę Wielkiej Brytanii
“Long live Europe” State of the EU 2022
#CyberMagazyn: Media Freedom Act. Yes, the European Union wants to warrant  pluralism
[Stired on Friday] “Russians like to shoot at hospitals”
Xi JinPing is moving into the world. fresh  order...?
The Pegasus Affair. Kamiński will not meet with the delegation of the European Parliament
Zatrzeszczało na Kremlu, ale za tymi murami pęka coś jeszcze
Google, however, will pay a evidence  fine for utilizing Android to strengthen the search engine
Niesamowite! Pytel znalazł sprzymierzeńca w... Dukaczewskim
Generał pytel idzie na skróty
Zdemoralizowana armia rosyjska - oto prawdziwe oblicze Rosji
Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan — what will be the consequences?
Lower Silesia: A slaughtered goat was found behind the counter of a kebab restaurant! [18+]
Waszczykowski: Paryż i Berlin czekają na współpracę z Rosją
Mocne! Gliński o postawie Niemiec: Czysta agresja polityczna
Tak Wałęsa doradzał Kubańczykom: Wam się generalnie nie chce
State-backed US tech companies won't build factories in China
Will smartphones yet   service  us as much as they should? The European Union has presented fresh  regulations
Bosnia and Herzegovina is simply a associate  of the EU civilian  Protection Mechanism
Donald Trump claims that last week he feasted with Zuckerberg in ... the White House
Belarusian spies in Poland
Jaworzno rusza po reanimacji. Tym razem skutecznie?
Is there a single China? About Sino-Taiwanese Relations
China vs US. fresh  regulations may hit US chipmakers
Trump app removed from Google Play
Lukashenko's passport for everyone. The fight against the government  continues
China's technological independence. president   Xi's visions and reality
Invasion of Taiwan?
Normalization of relations between Turkey and Syria
Były korespondent GW drwi na Campusie z prof.Krasnodębskiego
Object detection with a laser. The military is expected to gain from the fresh  partnership
The US is going to fight for the chips. Another step for the Biden administration
Not Sanna Marin is the problem, and the patriarchy
Rocznica złowrogiego paktu - połowa zapisów wciąż aktualna?
Murder of Dugin's daughter is simply a throwback to Russia's nineties
Dlaczego Sumlińskiemu śni się "załgany Żyd" Maciejewski?
Soldiers on social media. The Pentagon publishes guidelines
The movie  "Notre Dame is Burning", directed by the creator of "The Name of the Rose", enters the screens. The planet  is waiting for this work
Po 24 lutego doklejane na siłę maski nowoczesności - opadły
FBI search of Trump's mansion. It's buzzing on social media
Signed or not? Communication chaos regarding changes to the Prison Service Act
Ukraine a function  model in terms of cyber defense? So says a major US official
“Lively Belarus!” — study  from the March of Dignity in Krakow
Sasin w "Sieci": Prądu w gniazdkach na pewno nie zabraknie
Multi-domain warfare. The US commands form a triad
14. rocznica wystąpienia L. Kaczyńskiego w Tbilisi. WIDEO
Wiceszef MS: Nie ma sensu dogadywać się z bandytami
Głębocki: establishment III RP ostrzegał Rosję przed PiSem
Gaza Strip: Cyberattacks accompanied rocket fire