World politics

Censorship and disinformation services against citizens. Horrifying Congressional reports [2].
We will not defender  the Ukrainian front for the Germans to do business with the Russians
Putin komentuje ułaskawienie Huntera Bidena: Co to oznacza dla polityki?
Humanoid robots Made in China: how China is outperforming the planet  in the technological race
Viktor Orban on asylum for Marcin Romanowski. He speaks of a "brutal attack" by Minister Bodnar
Trump: Limit zadłużenia nie powinien istnieć. Czas na sojusz z Demokratami?
Are we ready for a reversal of alliances?
AZYL (anci ..?!!) / Dobromir
Czy Daniel Obajtek straci immunitet?
Tusk o relacjach z prezydentem Dudą: Dostałem bardzo długiego SMS-a
UN one more time  condemns illegal settlements and crimes of Jewish-Nazis
Adam Bodnar filed motions to revoke the immunity of Law and Justice deputies
Adam Bodnar has filed motions to lift the immunity of respective  MPs
Results of the year with Vladimir Putin
Gorzkie słowa Orbana o Polsce: Uważają nas za wrogów
Chiny chcą nowego porządku światowego. Pentagon zdradza, ile głowic nuklearnych ma Pekin
Georgian Dream turns into Georgian Nightmare: election fraud, escalating protests, and a confrontation with the EU
Zapiski do Obamacare spadają po wyborach Trumpa i wyzwaniach prawnych
Wojna handlowa USA-UE? Kallas: Europa i Ameryka stracą, a najgłośniej będą się śmiać Chiny
Biden's squad  will hire 1,200 DEI officials to make life hard  for Trump
December 18 - "Who are you if you argue  genocide"
Kanada jako 51. stan Ameryki? Donald Trump: To świetny pomysł, chce tego wielu Kanadyjczyków
Censorship and disinformation of services against citizens. Shocking reports of legislature  [1]
Erdogan szykuje pikantną turecką kanapkę z dodatkiem Kurdów!
Putin's support
Victor Orban's advisor responds to Adam Bodnar's attack
The Economist: Europe has no funds for armaments. The solution… a “coalition of the willing”
Top-level meetings in Brussels. Both within NATO and within the EU, the number 1  subject  is Ukraine
Starlux Adds More Flights to Los Angeles and Seattle
Qatar Airways compartment  Crew wage  in 2024
Commission reveals cards on visa scandal
Will the erstwhile  pimp and current PiS presidential candidate lose his immunity? Hołownia confirms receipt of the application
InPost couriers appeal to customers for aid  during the pre-Christmas rush
New 15% taxation  in Poland – what will change from January 1, 2025?
Poland has no right to finance a atomic  power plant? The EC has doubts and is initiating proceedings
Słaby jen ratuje japoński eksport, jednak sytuacja pozostaje napięta przez cień polityki Trumpa
Another Ukrainian wanted to bribe Polish policemen
Assassination of General Kirillov in Moscow
TVN and Polsat not for sale. Government approves fresh  project
Poland's public support for atomic  power plant. EC launches investigation
EC launches investigation into construction of Polish atomic  power plant
Instagram more crucial  than Facebook. The end of TikTok means eldorado for Zuckerberg
EU-Mercosur agreement – is this the end of European agriculture?
The European Commission is already supporting pushbacks on the Polish-Belarusian border
A gang of Georgians brutally attacked Poles
Specjalny wysłannik Trumpa do Ukrainy gotów na wizytę w Moskwie
End of war in Ukraine possible in a year? Expert on Putin's plans
There is an indictment against Ryszard Czarnecki
Chciał brexitu i ograniczenia migracji. Jego partia może dostać duże pieniądze od Elona Muska