World politics

Zinkiewicz: Polacy nie chcą wojny!
Dla ludzi dobrej woli
More Than A Dozen Major Media Outlets Call On Biden, Trump To Commit To Presidential Debate
Deborah Birx Gets Her Close-Up
Victor Davis Hanson: Gaming The 2024 Campaign
Dollar, Oil, & Gold Jump; Stocks & Bonds Dump As 'WW3-On’-Risk Reignites
Wacław leszczyński: Memento!
Gorący „kartofel migracyjny” przerzucany między Polską a Białorusią.
Przez chip w głowie – ku szczęściu!?
Kolejna wygrana Jacka Międlara w sądzie! Tym razem wygrał z synem premiera Tadeusza Mazowieckiego
B. Ratter: Plan dwóch totalitarnych państw- niemieckiej III Rzeszy i Związku Sowieckiego
Kto i po co wymyślił Żyda ?
Odwet Iranu po zbombardowaniu konsulatu przez Izrael. Żydzi planują kolejne ataki!
IPN ujawnił twarze oprawców Solidarności. “Sąd nie powinien wyrzec się stosowania terroru…”.
Bombardując Izrael, Iran wyświadczył mu przysługę
When Bielin was burning, the soldiers of the 27th Volhynian Infantry Division of the Home Army were begging for a miracle of salvation in a church filled to the brim
CitizenGO: Wynik wyborów w Warszawie. Sygnał dla konserwatywnego elektoratu
U.S. Takes Action Against Hamas
Bread And Circuses: What It Means For Once-Great Nations
19 Retired Generals, Admirals File ultimate  Court Brief Against Trump Immunity Bid
Judge Upholds Georgia's Voter Citizenship Verification Requirements
Trump Prepares For Monday's 'Fake Biden Trial' With 'Highly Conflicted' Manhattan Judge
Over 1,300 Layoffs Hit Logistics Companies Across US
What Ukrainians don't understand, what Poles don't want to know
Javier Blas, Outlines 10  Takeaways For Crude marketplace  Following Iran's Direct Attack On Israel
She scraped: Donald Trump's "civilian assassination"
"Read Ludwig von Mises, Motherf**kers!" – Brazilian UFC Fighter's triumph  Speech Pumps Austrian Economics
13 April: Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Katyn Massacre part 2.
In the latest issue of "Sieci": Trump is the hope of the right
"Bill Gates and the UN impose their digital IDs on the people of Sierra Leone".
New! US presidential poll. Joe Biden has reason to be pleased
News! Iran's massive attack on Israeli territory. Summary
"April 13 - Satanyahu's Mission: Start planet  War 3".
Did Minister Kierwiński renounce his obedience to Prime Minister Tusk?
News! Escalating tensions in the mediate  East. Israel closes schools
"Trilateralism" - an initiative of global Zionism
Iran's confrontation with Israel: which way will the pendulum of escalation swing?
Bożena Ratter: These are crimes against humanity in its most severe form of genocide
The Soviets deported only Poles... - 4  deportations to Siberia in 1940 in February, April and June
China: Gold for... Young
13 April: Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Katyn Massacre part 1.
Patrick O'Carroll - "Hitler was a controlled puppet .............."
Anthony Migchels - "Beware the snake in Trump's clothing"
"The Demotragic Camp" and "The Rogue"...
Joe Biden insults Donald Trump. As a result, he gained support
Conference: The planet  vs. Christians. Are we in for a Kulturkampf 2.0?
Koniuszewski: We, the castaways
Grave digging season
Lewicki: Anniversary reflections on the dangers of policy towards Russia
Today, more than 200 foreigners tried to cross the Polish border