World politics

Nie odstępuje prezydenta USA o krok. Ten przedmiot skrywa wielką moc
"Przegrana Ukrainy to porażka całego Zachodu". Ekspert ostrzega
March on the capital [OGÓRKA'S COLUMN]
Twitch's Hateful Conduct Policy Update Draws Lines on 'Zionist'
Media: Tusk leads fresh  initiative. "European consequence  to Trump"
Donald Trump's fresh  Nomination: He Called a Journalism Legend 'Demented'
Sikorski: The most crucial  talks on the war in Ukraine will be held in Warsaw. The head of the Ministry of abroad  Affairs revealed the details
Reflections from the Neris
Disney reportedly pulled Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur episode for telling a communicative   involving transgender people
Election Integrity and TDR
Europe Prepares consequence  to Trump. Poland Takes Initiative – El Independiente
Robert Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaxxer, is set to lead the U.S. Department of wellness  and Human Services
"I am your warrior, justice, retribution." Donald Trump is back
Radosław Sikorski spoke about Andrzej Duda. "This will be a test"
“Edible Cricket” Company Lays Off Workers. The End of Leftist Utopia?
Bundesbank: Trump's return could prove very painful for the German economy
Tusk: "Scholz gave me an account of his conversation with Putin"
Scholz zadzwonił do Putina pierwszy raz od dwóch lat. Na co nalegał?
Trump's First 100 Days: What Should He Do?
"Ukraina po cichu cieszy się z wygranej Trumpa". Zaskakujące informacje
Trump szykuje czystki w wojsku. Te osoby mają być zwolnione
Telewizja Polska creates the Media Center for Abroad, Alina Koushyk is the head of the Belsat editorial office
Moldovan lessons in European integration
Wojska USA z Niemiec trafią do Polski? Ekspert tłumaczy
This gathering  disproved Sikorski's thesis. "Big Brother showed who he values"
TSMC delays beginning  of Arizona 'Fab 21' facility until January 2025
National Movement joins Patriots for Europe!
Fico przyjął Tuska "potajemnie"? Słowackie media grzmią: Nie tak powinno się traktować bliskiego sojusznika
Kto stanie na czele CIA?
Stanisław Michalkiewicz: past  and prehistory of the base in Redzikowo
Nawet Exxon Mobil jest przerażony planem klimatycznym Donalda Trumpa
PKB w górę. KE podniosła prognozy dla Polski
Trump o wojnie w Ukrainie: To musi się skończyć
Russia-Ukraine War. study  15.11.2024
Anna Bryłka responds to the MEP of the Civic Coalition
November 15 – "The West is ruled by psychopaths"
Makow: "We inactive  haven't gotten over the trauma of scamdemic"
"Trump May Shift US Military Capabilities Closer to NATO's east  Flank"
"I'll tell you why NOT to vote for Szymon Hołownia"
Kim Dzong Un wydał rozkaz. Co planuje Korea Północna?
Kacper Kita: What will Trump's triumph  truly  bring to Poland?
Leading role. Cabaret KLIKA
USA: 'Progressive' organisations collect donations to argue  Trump's policies
Elon Musk i Donald Trump: Czyli finansowe love story miliarderów
The Nationalist Column: Yesterday, Today, Always
China's space exploration plan for 2025-2050
Meta fined around PLN 3.5 billion in Europe over Facebook Marketplace issues
The composition of Donald Trump's administration is causing expanding  controversy in the United States