Polish politics

The cemetery of the victims of the German crime in Gardelegen was vandalized. Consul of the Republic of Poland appeals for fast  determination of the perpetrators of this crime
Is it worth it to lose weight for health, as the WHO advises? Not necessarily
Mental wellness  on Instagram. Do we have anything to fear?
Prosecutors are investigating Ukrainian method  grain sold to Polish flour producers
The Ministry of Digitization is back. Cieszyński: "It's raising the rank"
Gorlicka: Emancipation on the Front
Handout: Nasi in Szuflandia
Identity and Chemistry. How to be a good Polish in the kitchen?
Left-wing vegetarianism? Even the endecs did not eat meat
What do people live on today?
Medical bureaucrats, get distant  from Dr. Bodnar!
Scientists took the shields of the Vikings under the magnifying glass
[Savchuk on Monday] The Left's fresh  agenda: investment alternatively  of handing out
Narzędzie Maryi – Święty Maksymilian Maria Kolbe
On shaving alice darlen
Berling household  Reunion
Capitalism's' platform '
W. Chicheł: Easter at Dmowski's in Chludowo
Extraordinary teacher. Demanding. Sometimes terribly annoying
Wilnese Easter Palms
Minister rolnictwa: Ukraina wstrzyma eksport zboża do Polski
Why would there be no Liberal Culture without Paweł Spiewak? [PODCAST]
Connoisseur of human characters. Memory of Pawel Spiewak
Anna Kwiecień: Czy słuchacze Radia ZET godzą się na podłość?
Paweł Śpiewak — save the autonomy of thinking
Wanted sex offender from Lower Silesia detained...
Our attempts to fight the ban did not interest anyone
Officially: Janusz Cieszyński is the Minister of Digitization
[Right to nuance] Can Pis-writers be put in jail?
Janusz Cieszyński is the Minister of Digitization
Memory of Pawel Spiewak
Piotr Cieplucha, Deputy Minister of Justice. It will deal with e.g. cybersecurity
“What a guest we had.” Six lessons of Paweł Śpiewak
The president   confirms: Janusz Cieszyński will be the Minister of Digitization
[Bodziony on Friday] Zelenski in Poland. What should we require from Ukraine?
I'll be. Dedicated to Paweł Śpiewak
TikTok is simply a partner of the "Young Heads" project. Ombudsman for Children: The parents were not informed about this
What was steven spielberg's gathering  with roma ligocka like after the screening of the movie   “schindler's list”?
Coach ridiculed 'transgender athletes'
Nowe rozwiązania dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami – idea solidarności w praktyce
Memories of Pawel Spiewak
Historical division of Poles?
How to build an effective shelter strategy   and guarantee  the endurance  of the nation?
Dymisja wicepremiera? Wymowna reakcja Morawieckiego
Czerwony, tęczowy, zielony… "Encyklopedia Antykultury" obnaża marksistowski utopizm
"Zrównoważony rozwój. Zaklęcie globalistów, Instrument totalnego zniewolenia". Klub Polonia Christiana zaprasza do Lublina na wyjątkową debatę
Na ścieżkach Bieszczadzkiej Drogi Krzyżowej [FOTOREPORTAŻ]
Farewell to Paweł Spiewak
Paul. Brief Glossary