Polish politics

Pan Władysław i wstyd
The head of TikTok in legislature  did not convince politicians. What's next for the Chinese platform?
[Right to nuance] John Paul II cover-up pedophilia — that was the standard in the Church
Francja w przededniu wojny domowej? Policja walczy z milionami demonstrantów. ZOBACZ ZDJĘCIA!
The government will build server rooms for the administration. What about the cloud?
Germany and France are taking Ukraine to Poland. Saryusz-Wolski warns of EU trap [VIDEO]
Come to the National Papal March and bear witness
Crowned eagle on laptops for students. The government will mark the equipment
[Wandering Forecast] Is this the end of democracy in Israel
Draft Act on Central Pension Information adopted by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
The Council of Ministers adopted the bill. The National Data Processing Center will be established
TYLKO U NAS. Tusk i reparacje. Mularczyk: Jak lokaj Berlina
A group of Ukrainian hammers bullies a young Pole. Will mainstream take care of the matter? [VIDEO]
Let's welcome spring! In a healthy body and in a healthy spirit
Public opinion
82nd birthday of “Polish Thought”
Piskorski: Degradation of Polish diplomacy
Convicted by criminals for crimes of criminals
Confusion followed the remarks by the Polish Ambassador about the possible entry of Poland into the war with Russia. There's a statement!
Kielce debate “Are we in danger of war?”
Who was Jolanta Brzeska?
Bogu i Ojczyźnie – Dobre Nowiny
Koniuszewski: The substance  of Power
Anniversary of the Serb pogrom
Get distant  from Poland!
XIX Ogólnopolski Konkurs dla Młodzieży „Pomóż ocalić życie bezbronnemu” o nagrodę im. bł. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki
My fight for percentages, and the banksters can sleep peacefully
Rzecznik IPN: To bulwersujące. Ratusz przez cały czas promuje J. Lange
Szlęzak: Could Karol Wojtyla know?
It doesn't fit in the head! parent  excuses behaviour of Ukrainian children who spat in face to Polish peer
Will Father's Day be March 19? Signatures of support were sent to the Sejm
TYLKO U NAS. Warchoł: Niemoc to symbol rządu Tuska i PO
Dzień Ojca w uroczystość św. Józefa – podpisy już w Sejmie! Co zrobią posłowie?
Arktos in a fresh  version
Miksa: romanticist  as a National Radical?
Let's Talk About religion  SPOILER
What beautiful disasters
Church of Roadside Shrines
Pope Worship Protection Act
The Minister and His Pistol
“they request   to be convicted” — producers of criminals
Działaczka aborcyjna skazana przez sąd
Ukraine and Nigeria pioneer in building cashless global tower of Babel
Take part in the Lenten retreat led by Fr Michał Chaciński
Farmers are sick   of Ukrainian grain! There will be a nationwide protest
Why Ziobro a weapon?
Ukrainian activist wants representation in the Polish Sejm
Why did we start another civilian  war in March 2023?
TikTok i Instagram nie dla dzieci. Francja zaostrza ograniczenia wiekowe w social mediach
Polish art school in Canada