Giertych manipuluje słowami Czarnka i Moskwy!"Faszyzm stop!"
Raźny: Walls of Polish hostility
Science locked in safes... so as not to spoil the business of those at the nursery
Why are Russian “neutral” athletes the same “green people” who occupied Crimea?
Rosyjska agresja na Ukrainie i rola Białorusi – najważniejsze tematy posiedzenia Rady Europejskiej
Polemika z prof. Dadakiem ws "przeceniania potęgi Rosji"
A year of war that was expected to last 3 days
Polish-Hungarian relationship Day
U.S.-China “war” for human rights
R. Wicherek: Dirty Work Economists and Colorful Revolutions, or the Plague of Our World