The improvement of THAAD in South Korea ignites the subject of relations with China 2 years ago
The South Korean defence minister was to confirm that the authorities of his country want to make the THAAD strategy as shortly as possible, in full operational scope, and what is more, this is 1 of the priorities of the presidential administration. THAAD is located close the city of Seongju. It is assumed that THAAD in the Republic of Korea will be full operational even by the end of this month. Therefore, the government is working on accelerating the acquisition of essential permits, led by the environment. It is noted that for a long time the possible increase in the number of THAADs, connecting them to the opl/opr strategy with another systems, and even moving the systems distant from the radar station to hinder possible harm has been considered. This provokes opposition from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, but above all from the People's Republic of China.
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