World politics

Belarus extends visa-free travel for 2023
Danek: spiritual   Culture of Positivism
Największa na świecie elektrownia fal morskich. 77 MW czystej mocy morza
Ukrainian blood is on the hands of US and UK leaders
The Pentagon raises the profile of the cyberforce
Bieleń: The large  sadness of the OSCE
Meeting with Dr. Leszek Sykulski
Tomasz Piątek: Biesiady Kaczyńskiego z oficerem KGB
Amazon Settles In Antitrust Cases. He will avoid punishment, but must comply with EU requirements
Who will tell you where the nearest shelter is?
The president   of the European Parliament invited Musk for a "honest public exchange"
Golla: nevertheless  Schneidemühl
Prof. Anna Raźny: More about Dugin
Piskorski: the legend of the neofolk in the version for the parquet
Gorlicka: actual  protection of life from conception until death
The EC accuses Meta of abusing its dominant marketplace  position
Luckyak: Russian SMRs
From Narutowicz to Wojciechowski
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (42/2022/1)
The future of Poland, and the Russian-Ukrainian war...
Kryzys migracyjny w Wielkiej Brytanii. Rząd nie radzi sobie z relokacją przybyszów
Piwar: Cannon meat to Ukraine?
Imperial Dreams
Crisis in Europe
Gospodarka Węgier dynamicznie hamuje – mówi się choćby o recesji
Explosive gift
Piskorski: Logical String
Borer: Information blockade as a form of violence
The Pentagon wants to make  a platform that connects all militaries
Bosak on the fresh  law on SN: This amendment is destructive, dangerous.
The Pentagon is upgrading its top-secret intelligence network
Jankovsky: Moscow does not believe war
[View from K2] Crisis Time Gifts
Deferred suicide
"Lepiej mieć chaos w sądownictwie niż ruską okupację"
The government has developed the financial engineering of putting debt out of budget.
[Wandering Forecast] China, US and Equatorial Guinea are playing ships
Who incited?
The European Commission organizes competitions on cybersecurity
Golla: Friedrich Merz — the CDU's green-conservative “savior”
Dugin: Wars of Chaos
Kowalski do opozycji:Ziobro broni Polski, to wam przeszkadza
Jankowski: Hermaszewski must have died
Iwicki: the power of folk
Where did the Turks in Iran come from?
Handout: Western co-responsibility for the war in Ukraine
[Asia in rapprochement] Gandism in retreat
Tajwańska firma TSMC buduje fabrykę czipów w USA
Handle: The co-responsibility of the West for the war in Ukraine. Benjamin Abelov Book Review
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