
New draft Act on Artificial Intelligence presented by the European Parliament. Changed the definitions and types of classification of AI systems
Meet the Korczak Prize Winners 2023
Lasecki: antifascism and the System
Lecture dedicated to Wojciech Korfanty
Decoupling and transportation  of oncology drugs
Download files, post on social media!
Haszczyński already knows
Is fecit, cui prodest
World Pharmacratic Tyranny
ORĘDZIE. Prezydent zapowiada istotny projekt ws. UE!
On the march... not only about the march, but the Confederation as a tongue...
Karolchuk: halt  the war!
Biernacki: Tusk's March or magical thinking
Tuskojugend, or hatred that unites
Hand: June 4 – National Day of Sitting on the Plot
Changes in the law in May and June 2023
Polski młody biznes w zaledwie 1,5 godziny zebrał blisko 28 mln na dzieci z domów dziecka, dzieci ulicy z Ghany i dzieci z Ukrainy