
Homo russicus
Statement by Sławomir Mentzen
Europejskie bezpieczeństwo tematem II Szczytu Europejskiej Wspólnoty Politycznej
On June 5, we will celebrate the 50th planet  Environment Day. This year's slogan is “Beat Plastic Pollution”
A bagpipe takes the air off the June 4 march, which didn't substance  anyway
China sides with Palestine
Not for the slogan “Fame of Ukraine”!
Rozpoczyna się trzydniowy kongres "Polska Wielki Projekt"
No 1  overthrew the Olszewski government
Zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów "orzeka się" wobec sprawcy, który jechał autem bez uprawnień
Bolka and Donka march to hell
“Ukrainians do not want to rent.”
“Ukrainians do not want to rent” - political cukoldism
Election autumn in Poland: BND and FSB vs. CIA and Mossad
Sachajko: Porozumienie z PiS pewne; ważna będzie postawa SP
The Beast's bureaucratic strategy   pushes itself intrusibly all the time
Attempts to rewrite Holocaust history
Big event on June 4th!