World politics

Israeli criminals confess to killing civilians in the Be'eri kibbutz on October 7, 2023.
Release priest Michał Olszewski - 12.07 Elbląg, prayer under arrest continues - update
Bożena Ratter: Roman Suszka's “Ukrainian Legion” took part in the aggression against Poland in 1939.
Bosak is right — Tusk to the Court
Zaczyna to wszystko wyglądać groźnie i… bardzo źle!
“July 10 — Demonstrators Extinguish”
Macron and Le Pen want to form an alliance? This is indicated by secret dinners
Bieleń: The end of the “great illusion”
The Genocide Continues
Historical calendar: July 11, 1943 — Bloody Sunday
The Zionist West Wants War — It's the Only Salvation for the World's Financier
Why would Russia attack a children's hospital?
Russia — Ukraine... What is this war about?
Gymnastics as an component  of the fight against Putinism
Military certified fakes. By whom the Poles are lied to...
“Belarus and Poland: From Confrontation to Good Neighbourhood”.
Viktora Orbán coordinates the work of the EU. Will he aid  or sabotage?
Faith in the mission. The headliner is simply a media animal
Trybunał Stanu dla Tuska!
Political rollercoaster in France
P. Szymański: Roman Dmowski on the function  of Ukraine in geopolitics
Uruguay Is Considered little  Corrupt Than The US & Spain
Air India Express A320 Engine Fire, Crew Didn't Receive Alert in Cockpit, Says AAIB
NIK questions the reliability of the data utilized  by the government during the announced alleged  COVID pandemic
Prohibition of going on vacation with children during the school year. The government has a fresh  idea
The task of the fresh  “ad-hoc” disciplinary ombudsman will be to settle the erstwhile  and current caste with NeoKRS
Will there be a limit on having private money from January 1, 2025?! We Have fresh  Information
Mike Stone - “Coping with Drugs”
Helena Glass - “The Life of the Gentiles Is Not Sacred”
Historical calendar: 10 July 1649 — Siege of Zbarazh
[Prognoza wędrowna] Turcja i Syria: Zaproszenie dla mordercy
Safe Poland organization  — political programme overshadowed by scandal
Zinkiewicz: The Face of Putin
Financial Times: Serbia is leaning towards the West and betting on Trump
Indie lgną ku Rosji. Państwa chcą zwiększyć wymianę handlową o ponad 50%!
Attack on Kiev and 2  information bubbles
Podatki od aut spalinowych wejdą w życie jeszcze w tym roku!
BILL GATES: “An highly  dangerous threat to society...”
“North Korea is simply a 'clear threat' to Europe, says NATO president   Yoon
B. Ratter: Whoever does not want to remember what was here will gotta live it again.
RELATIONSHIP. Daniel Obajtek in front of the visa committee
Volyn Memorial shelter  on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the VOLYN MASSACRE - from archive
We know the full content of the agreement with Ukraine. It's an act of foolishness and national treason
“German Jews would support Hitler... if only”
Historical Timeline: July 9, 1917 — Oath Crisis
2 Years After Burn-Pit Law, Veterans See Improvements But Challenges Persist
Dark Side Of 'The Next AI Trade': Seizing Private Property For Transmission Lines
Who's moving  The Country?
Wolny handel między Wielką Brytanią a Indiami coraz bliżej