Polish politics

Will the Tusk government's prosecutors prosecute for refusing to kill a child? There are disturbing guidelines
Składka zdrowotna to kolejna niezrealizowana obietnica rządu
Obajtek to Orlen board: Do you want to give the marketplace  to Germany?
The pitfalls of ideological disruption?
Palade: Faces of the Media "Centre-Left"
Poland must pay compensation to man posing as woman. Bizarre judgement  of ECHR
ONLY WITH US. Świrski: The president   supports our action
Służby "łączą siły". Premier: będą walczyć z układem zamkniętym
The Pro-Right to Life Foundation warns: Attack on a volunteer close  the infirmary  in Oleśnica
Love rituals and customs of the Slavs - reflections after reading
Thinking and the Problem of Evil in Politics (Part 2)
Shocking proposals from a priest from the Pontifical Academy of Life. It's about contraception and homosexuality
UK: Politically correct government and media conspiracy ruined teen's life. This movie  will aid  millions learn the truth
Popieram Konfederację, ponieważ…
Reflections on the Word of Life Lk 2:35
Immigration is destructive
Rozruchy w Wielkiej Brytanii? Było oczywiste, iż do nich dojdzie
Finishing off things that aren't your own. "An Army in Ruin" part III
Bosak: Milczą, tym samym przyznając nam rację
Instynkt mi podpowiada, iż Polacy są poddawani manipulacji… pełną gębą
MEN eliminates religion   and introduces a subject on morning-after pills
The Fall, Rebirth and Expansion of the Cosmos
"This is the uniqueness of our religion, that we call the Lord God Father". A moving evidence  OF religion  by Przemysław Babiarz
Czas skończyć z poprawnością polityczną w polityce migracyjnej!
Paulina Matysiak complains about places at PKP. She read the regulations wrong
Dziennikarze stają się tak potrzebni jak dorożkarze czy kataryniarze
[Skrzydłowska-Kalukin w czwartek] Stanowski się myli. Ośmieszył media społecznościowe, a nie dziennikarstwo
The Ombudsman defends drivers against immense  fines!
Meloni government under fire from abortionists. They complain about the "stigmatization" of infanticide
Bydgoszcz: Celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising - report
Religious symbols can be placed on officials' desks. Trzaskowski gives in to pressure!
The fresh  deputy minister of digitization, Rafał Rosiński. We know what he will do
Cios Tuska w kieszenie Polaków!
P. Krzemiński: Jean Ousset – image   of a counter-revolutionary
Bangladesz – autokratyczna władczyni ucieka, noblista zostaje premierem
Pieniądze wrócą do OSP
P. Szymański: So it's war! The beginnings of US administration and diplomacy
Curator for the Confederation? Janusz Korwin-Mikke considers the organization  authorities to be illegal
MSWiA: strefa buforowa nie wyklucza humanitarnych działań przy granicy
CMF Buds Pro 2 review. Even the headphones can be distinguished in an interesting way
Europe: Contemporary challenges. Gdańsk, September 21
The president   of the NBP before the State Tribunal? The tension is rising
Bożena Ratter: Post-Cotonou sex  agreement adopted by the Sejm
The shortening of the leash continues... Work on the pandemic treaty resumed
"Misiek" Kamiński stab Bodnar? "Everything's great!"
New portal "DOM". The government has just announced
Whistleblower Protection Act. Who is it for and who does it protect?