Polish politics

“Gietrzwald 1877. War of the Worlds”. Screening of the fresh  movie  by Grzegorz Braun took place
“Patriotic education” in schools. Żukowska and Nowacka criticize the project
W ten sposób koncerny farmaceutyczne korumpują sobie lekarzy
Makov-” Possession is part of marriage”
BKP: Commentary on the interview with Archbishop C. M. Vigano on the Church of the Antichrist /Part 1/
Jerzy Kwaśniewski: Have the Eurocrats given up on building the State of Europe?
Dangerous UN Treaty: Cybercrime as a pretext for global censorship and repression?
[Skrzydłowska-Kalukin w czwartek] Wiceminister do dymisji, PiS na drodze do bankructwa
Jak długo jeszcze Polacy pozwolą robić z siebie niewolników?
“Cosmic Christ” with Francis surrounded by homosexuals. Father James Martin SJ Shocks Again
Jak uśmiechnięci to tłumaczą?
Będzie próba poddawania nas cenzurze
Islamization of France. Courts let  'burkini' on beaches
Italy: those affected by the adoption of vaccines want to be heard by parliamentary committee on covid
This is not the end of border controls with Germany. Illegal migration is to blame
The situation in Afghanistan is getting worse. Punished for refusing to grow a beard
The Deputy Minister of Justice resigned. The reason for vacation at the expense of the taxpayer
The amount of the wellness  contribution bone of contention. respective  different concepts of change
Marek Baterowicz: VOICES IN THE DESERT?
Movement for the Protection of Schools: Bartosz Kopczyński - Guide for conscious parents, part IL
Novelty! Affair with Deputy Minister Ciążyński. What is it about?
On 28 August, departure to Gdansk for the anniversary of the execution  in Inca and Zagończyk
Where to look for traces of Krakow Freemasonry?
New! Layoffs for deficiency  of beard in Afghan services
Bishop Stułkowski: it is man, not animals, who is the crown of creation
"The ceremony  benefit should be 8 1000  zlotys."
Using social media for 16 years? Snapchat is against
Procedures against the NBP president. TK: "Unconstitutional!"
Millions of Poles have reserved their PESEL. fresh  rules defend  against fraudsters
Antoni Ciszewski: Between Giertych and reality
Michał Głowiński: Newspeak and sequels
School in the Cloud and mundane reality. How to choose consciously, freeing yourself from schematic thinking?
Arrest for silent prayer in front of abortion "clinic" wrong. Police will pay compensation
To Kosiniak-Kamysz an open letter [MARTENKA FELIETON].
Apel do mediów: Nie podawajcie dalej tępej propagandy rządowej!
Preliminary version or peas with cabbage
Monkeypox - fresh  fear, fresh  golden business
Chora, lewicowa agenda wywraca świat do góry nogami
Nieprawdopodobne wyniki składu kawy i herbaty – są wyniki inspekcji!
SKCh's 25th anniversary. The fight against leftist power consolidation and "soft totalitarianism" (part 2)
„Podróż romantyczna” Marcina Króla. Polska premiera książki
Kiedy wypada myśleć? [Fragment przedmowy do „Podróży romantycznej” Marcina Króla]
Nieustający Zbaraż [Fragment „Podróży romantycznej” Marcina Króla]
Dlaczego należy wierzyć w duchy
Jak zachwyca, jeżeli nie zachwyca? Spór o listę lektur
Paweł Jankowski — Freemason
Is the Sejm acting outside the law in the case of the NBP President?
Two boys
I'm checking if it's worth buying an advanced laptop stand from Baseus