Polish politics

Forests in Poland have become a training ground for cultural wars.
The Sejm dismissed Krzysztof Czabański from the National Media Council
The draft budget for 2025 is bad!
Budżet odrzucony? Jest decyzja Sejmu!
Dr. Przemysław Ereński, a well-known Poznań doctor and activist of NSZZ "S", has died
Krzysztof Czabański dismissed from the National Media Council
Solidarity at the Krakow City Road Authority is already 30 years old
Controversial Purple: Cardinal-elect Bishop of "Liberation Theology" and with a past  of Conflict with Church Authority
The Imaginary City
The Economy of Aid – How Sharing Multiplies the Good
Skip the modernity
Luksusowe europejskie marki tracą chiński rynek. Sprzedaż BMW, Mercedesa i Porsche nurkuje
Unique Zabrze mosaics from the PRL era
Enter Air uruchamia własny hangar na Węgrzech
Marcin Przydacz w "Graffiti": Polska polityka jest w narożniku
Przydacz w "Graffiti": To skok na państwo i na kasę
Final of the 9th edition of the Institute of National Remembrance Historical Debate Tournament
Wstrząsająca sprawa z "Megakotem". Komentują dziennikarze i politycy. Odezwał się były premier
Sikorski: Polska musi mieć własne fabryki amunicji. To wysoki priorytet
Ryanair wycofuje się z kilku niemieckich lotnisk. Prosty powód
Sławomir Mentzen in Ełk, Augustów, Olecko and Suwałki
Delegation of Primary School No. 1 from Wieleń in the Senate.
Musk pokazał swoje najnowsze dziecko za 30 tys. dol.
Ziobro spoke about his fight against cancer and threatened Tusk
"Letter of the Seven". Outstanding cultural creators appeal regarding Father Olszewski.
Ziobro arrogant  of the Justice Fund. "I came back to life"
What will Ziobro do? "You can't be a wolf and an orphan Marysia"
A lucrative position
Kolej w Polsce: Pociągiem z Warszawy do Sopotu w półtorej godziny, z Krakowa do Gdańska w trzy. Kiedy?
Book Fair in Krakow
O Franku z Przyborza / janko
O Franku z Iwin i minach / janko
Dramatic situation in the National wellness  Fund. Hoc asks: Where are these funds?
Life (good!) after Brexit
Double standards
Dlaczego Polska nie ma jeszcze fabryki amunicji? Sikorski odpowiada
Big changes in TVP. It is known which channels will disappear
These TVP channels are going under the knife
Father Wachowiak to face punishment   for criticizing synod? "I could be locked in my mouth right now"
Kinga Gajewska's shocking conversation with a writer  from "Rzeczpospolita"
A monument to Aleksandra Piłsudska was expected  to be erected in Suwałki. However, there was no money, and politics is in the background.
Another phase  in the war over global  politics between the government and the president
Krzysztof Bosak: the increase in debt in the budget is alarming. The state is besides   eager to give distant  money
Andrzej Duda believes that the position  of judges appointed by him cannot be questioned
Aleksander Kwaśniewski on Andrzej Duda's actions. "It causes chaos"
Tadeusz Płużański: From Bereza to the militia and… Wolinska
Reinkarnacja / Karamba
Polish police request  fight against mass migration. Policemen protest