A fresh senator from Krakow. The results of the vote are in. "Test before the presidential election"
Zdjęcie: Są wyniki głosowania do Senatu w Krakowie. Test przed wyborami prezydenckimi. Na zdjęciu Katarzyna Matusik-Lipiec, Marek Sowa, Monika Piątkowska. / PAP / Łukasz Gągulski
Monika Piątkowska, who is non-partisan, but supported by KO, PSL and the Left, won the supplementary election to the legislature in constituency No. 33 in Krakow. She won 50.14 percent of votes. He will take over the mandate after Bogdan Klich (KO). The turnout in the elections was 16.52 percent. After Sunday's by-elections in Krakow, the distribution of political forces in the legislature will not change.