World politics

04.12.2022./Something incorrect  with us...
Back to the world's elite
Bieleń: strategy   of War
Jastrzębski: Sad Barbórka
Dreher: “Realism and the War in Ukraine”
Wirtel: The November Uprising, or Polish Suicide Goal
How long will the “West” be able to fund this war?
Polska zawetuje nowe podatki? Kuźmiuk: Nie wykluczamy
Błaszczak punktuje opozycję: Otwieraliście Polskę Putinowi
Jiang Zemin has died
Germany is sinking to the bottom
Jan Engelgard: November Night or “broth”?
Piskorski: the benefits of reading Dugin
Apple restricts AirDrop in China. In the background protests against Xi's policies
Letter from Moscow to Polish Friends
How the large  tech crisis is strengthening democracy
My friend Andrew
TYLKO U NAS. Buda: Działania KE to wielowątkowa gra
Visions detached from reality
Polyomski: “Dugin”
Przyszłość UE? Szydło: Mamy takie same prawa w UE jak inni
China: Facts, Events, Reviews (39/2022/2)
Szef MON: Silne państwo narodowe może oprzeć się wrogowi
TYLKO U NAS. Por. Michalska: Bariera to duże wsparcie dla SG
Koniuszewski: “News of geopolitics!?”
Zero Trust. The Pentagon is expected to implement the strategy   by 2027
Warcholski maccartism
The president's conversation with the pranksters. Shrot: There will be penalties
Marszałek Witek:Sejm staje się miejscem strategicznej debaty
Fake call to the president. What failed?
Ścigaj: Musimy być przygotowani na większy napływ uchodźców
After Kherson, only religion  remains for Russians
Nierówności majątkowe w komunistycznych Chinach są już niemal równie duże co w USA
Prank on the president. In Russia, they quote Duda
Russia recognized as a state sponsoring terrorism. The European Parliament adopted a resolution
Warning against socialist diktat, or state according to Hayek
This footage depicts Brazil's independency  Day, not current protests in Brazil
Yuri Shukhevych died
[Wandering Forecast] In Israel, Thieves Paving Bandits way  to Power
The first movie  about the war in Ukraine
The fresh  prime minister on the islands. 3rd  in just 3  months
Help Ukraine. What should the Pentagon do?
The government hides 40 billion zlotys outside the budget!
Fake call to the president. Pranksters pretended to be Macron
Gorlicka: unprofitable sponsorship
Xi - Biden: Nothing fresh  under the Sun. In the West, no change
Hub: “Bad spy, good spy”
Elon Musk, copyright, Trump and bans. Challenges of the fresh  owner of Twitter
It has been boils in Iran for 2  months. Is the government  of the ayatollahs in for imminent collapse?
Polyomski: Why did I compose  a book about Harari?