World politics

“State intellectual   experts are distancing themselves from behavioral discipline  — isn't brainwashing fashionable anymore?”
“Emotion Tracking — Artificial Intelligence at Work: Employees Afraid of Being Watched and Misunderstood.”
“UK Ambassador to the UN declares UK commitment to UN 2030 Agenda”
Przeciwko Zielonemu Ładowi
5 skrajnie antypolskich fakenewsów, w które wierzą Ukraińcy
Two Poles, or 2  Truths?
Trump-Orban meeting
Kryzys w rolnictwie można rozwiązać krajowymi rozporządzeniami. Tusk tego nie robi!
Abortion in the Constitution of France. The Demonic Joy of Murdering Children
Joe Biden delivered a long message. He criticized Trump without giving his name
The winter of our discontent
Roman Dmowski: The Importance of England in Today's World
The Sejm and the government, as bullies... in Poland's “agricultural war” with Russia and Belarus...
Krzysztof Bosak odpowiada von der Leyen
US Poland calls for peace
Revolution with an emergency number. The police will track the location of the phone
United Kingdom: “The Secret Nerve Center of Syy... perished.”
“Here is the worst part of the revealed German call for an 'attack on the Crimean bridge'. It seems that any  officers have forgotten what country they curse  to defend — and besides, they are truly  bad at cheating.”
Bieleń: The Language of War
Jastrzębski: Fear of war is rational
How Major Hieronim Dekutowski “Dam” and his soldiers were brought to death
1.8 billion euros fine for Apple
Card from the calendar: 75th anniversary of the death of Major “Zapora” - March 7, 1949
Prof. Dudek: There may be more exits after Brexit
Burning “Abrams”
Galbraith: How Russia benefited from sanctions
“Power Behind the Throne and Eternal Wars.” (video)
Social media platforms accused of censoring Gaza conflict
Warsaw in the smoke of gas and rac. “Exchange of (non) courtesy” between the participants of the farmers' strike and the police [STRONG PHOTOS!]
Polish-Hungarian historical relations are crucial
Telus: Tusk nie ma propozycji i rozmydla tematy
Żaryn: To okazja, aby omówić współpracę polsko-amerykańską
Open Letter to American Polonia and another  Polish emigrants
Biernacki: RuzkIch onuc rash
[Prognoza wędrowna] Polska, Turcja, Izrael – jak język staje się narzędziem politycznym?
Easy mark  — Considerations on the Russian AWACS System
Buda: Nie mają argumentów, więc próbują uniemożliwić strajk
“Touching concern” for the feelings and consciences of Swedish Protestants.
Bożena Ratter: We talk  of them cursed even though the people have never cursed them
Jan Dobraczyński died 30 years ago
Piskorski: Kicz
Zinkiewicz: Politicians as the emanation of the nation
Wojna w Ukrainie. Czy Europa wyśle wojsko przeciw Rosji?
Putin przekonał Europę, iż jest rzeczywistym, a nie hipotetycznym wrogiem
Czy wojska NATO wejdą do Ukrainy?
B. Ratter: Vendée is the place where the story  arose that the revolution was inspired by the people and for the people
Wielomsky: Where is Plan B of Kiev?
Memory Rally ppor. Tadeusz Zieliński “Needle” [+PHOTO]
“'Total disaster for German government' — Scholz promises to analyse   'very serious' leaked recording of plan to destruct  bridge in Crimea”
“The doctor says 585 million...”