Polish politics

We were deceived
Cardinal Eijk: The way of the Church is not reformism, but sound teaching and dignified liturgy
O Franku i kandydacie na prezydenta / janko
O Franku, Geni i pauzach / janko
The curious case of Kasia Sienkiewicz - or how the leftists disgusted us with watermelon?
Legnica. Gala wręczenia Nagrody im. Henryka Pobożnego prof. Krzysztofowi Szwagrzykowi
,,Sieci”: Rocznica wyborów nie udała się władzy
Throttling the economy
Who Law and Justice candidate for president   Michal Wojcik pointed to a little  frequently mentioned name
DISCLOSURE. Bodnar pays debt to "caste"
The 'Fosforos' lodge was established in Wrocław
Wójcik w ''Gościu Wydarzeń'': Zbigniew Ziobro nie będzie uwiarygadniał nielegalnej komisji śledczej
Ewa Bończak-Kucharczyk officially appointed as the plenipotentiary for the establishment of the Grabówka commune
People's organization  has reservations about civilian  unions bill, plans to present its proposal
Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko
Nani took a supporter's ... jersey. He claims it was stolen from his home by a cleaning woman
Tusk's migration policy is like a leaky sieve from which Solomon will not pour
Hospitals lose licenses over neonatal deaths
Jan Olszewski Archive Foundation invites you to a gathering  on October 22
Byliśmy młodzi / Yaro
Shocking discovery on the banks of the Vistula River. The case is being investigated by the services
Disturbing reports from Germany. It hasn't been this bad before
„Sieci”: Tajemnica jego wiary
She wants the capitulation of the Christian world. She has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Catholic University of Lublin. Title for Chantal Delsol
Inflation and rising cost of surviving  exacerbate poverty. The government's answer? More benefits
"Fr. Popieluszko was killed out of hatred, due to the fact that he lived the Gospel, he preached the truth."
New facts in the case of a truck driver who rammed cars on the S7
A short circuit in the coalition? "The draft law on civilian  unions was not agreed with the PSL," he said.
''Wydarzenia'': Dziura na drodze w Bolesławiu. Mieszkańcy obawiają się kolejnych zapadlisk
Wstrzymają eksport polskiego mleka? "Ryzyko realne"
A fresh  position for Morawiecki? "I am ready".
"The devil fights hatred  speech". Polish priest explains how neo-Marxists lie
NSA: MOPS nie może w ten sposób oceniać zdrowia staruszka. Należy się świadczenie pielęgnacyjne 2988 zł (3287 zł w 2025 r.)
W nowym "Sieci": Tajemnica jego wiary
Bankowcy to lubią! Polacy wierni jednemu bankowi
WSA: Czy abonament RTV płaci Polak mieszkający na stałe w Anglii albo Francji? Nie wyrejestrował telewizora
"Proof -Why planet  Wars Are Arranged "".
President under memes. "We wouldn't have known about many of the speeches if he hadn't shot his face off."
Coalition authoritative  sharply about Trzaskowski: He has no interest in his city. He carols around the country
Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kowalczyk: building consensus the chief mission of the Church? With whom and around what?
Magdalena Sroka: Zbigniew Ziobro cynicznie gra na emocjach Polaków
#RozmowyNiekonTROLLowane: specified  crowds on Podlasie roads that you gotta fly in a balloon
Tarot for Everyday Life (20.10)
O Franku, prezesie i uchodźcach / janko
O Franku i zmianie / janko
Dziopa: CEOs learn how to fire employees from the head of a state-owned company!
New troubles for Kinga Gajewska and Arkadiusz Myrcha
Witold Jurasz: We have invested a lot in Ukraine, but we have stayed in the car
National Papal March. Let's return to the legacy of the teachings of John Paul II, Fr. Jerzy and Primate Wyszynski