Polish politics

Split in the Razem party. 5  female MPs leave the party
We are filing a notification on the anticipation   of committing a crime by Minister Wieczorek
Mundurowa mieszkaniówka, "to sprawa, z którą trzeba się zmierzyć"
Fr. Olszewski to Jan Karandziej: "I believe that we will overcome this evil with good." 11th day of hunger protest in defence of imprisoned priest
NEW JERSEY (USA) | INVITATION 25.10 – Tomasz Sakiewicz and Paweł Piekarczyk in the USA!
MICHIGAN (USA) | INVITATION 27.10 – Tomasz Sakiewicz and Paweł Piekarczyk in the USA!
Migracyjna wpadka Niemców. Fachowcy omijają ich szerokim łukiem
Duża reforma prawa karnego. Ograniczenie aresztu, zakaz nielegalnych dowodów i silniejsze prawo do obrony
Cardinal. Nycz shockingly about "civil partnerships". Does the Church announce capitulation?
The video of the cheerful MPs has conquered the Internet. Giertych is outraged. "Full disclosure"
"The National wellness  Fund has no money. Unless it's for the cronies of the Ministry of Health"
"My home, my city, my homeland". Art competition of the Lower Silesian Solidarity
Klimczak w ''Graffiti'': Jedną z przesłanek do sądzenia za zabójstwo drogowe byłoby znaczne przekraczanie prędkości
MObywatel with another paper  in the application. It will make life easier for a large group of Poles
Klimczak w ''Graffiti'' o ''skręcie w prawo'': PSL jest partią centrową i pan marszałek Hołownia doskonale o tym wie
In the Seym there was a strong voice in defence of life and family. Success of the conference 'Family as a origin  of peace'
What is the act on "civil partnerships" truly  about? Let's not be fooled by government euphemisms!
The mysterious burials of the Steadfast have been discovered. The Institute of National Remembrance confirmed the authenticity of the "Hare's" account
Henryka Bochniarz on women on company boards. "The point is not to push men off the bench, but to make area  on it"
A golden Mercedes, fresh  York rates and 40 advisors. Audits in state-owned companies - what do they show?
Maestro w trasie .. / Dobromir
Unia chce nam zakazać kawy? To niedorzeczne! Czy to może być prawda?
O Franku i uczniu Kurskiego / janko
O Franku i Kamyszu / janko
Retrograde relationships
In my opinion, there are no more boundaries...
5 weeks – 59 renovation benefits
Kard. Nycz o zapowiedzi Tuska: Czułem się zszokowany
Bodnar boasts of his promotion in the "rule of law ranking". A immense  setback
"The defence of freedom is now the defence of Polish against the left and its aspirations"
Samuel Pereira: Donald Tusk's hidden agenda on the migration pact
The second life of the "Green Border"
"Rainbow" depravity or "Noble Friday"? Invitation for indifferent students, teachers, school employees
Residents of flood areas will gotta wait a long time for the infrastructure to be rebuilt
The government has decided. Clean Transport region  besides  in smaller cities
Adam Glapiński may appear before the State Tribunal. 2  witnesses have already testified
Dziecko / Yaro
Przeznaczone / Yaro
Czarnek as the PiS candidate for president? We know who she's going to pretend to be
What will Razem do? "You can't be a small  pregnant." Strong upheavals on the left
The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate has issued a warning. You should be careful with this product
Support for digital education. The Ministry announces the results of the recruitment for training
Bernie Sanders found out what a Vtuber is on Twitch
"Wydarzenia": W Głuchołazach ruszyły testy obciążeniowe tymczasowego mostu
Polska jest jedynym krajem UE, który nie ma jeszcze takiej jednostki. To się zmieni
- niby wina, acz dotkliwa kara .. / Dobromir
Piesiewicz przeszedł do ataku. Prezes PKOl złożył pozew przeciwko ministrowi sportu
New reports on Zbigniew Ziobro's health
"Noble Friday" – a affirmative  and valuable consequence  to "Rainbow Friday".
W tych krajach Polaków jest najwięcej. Oto dominujące grupy migrantów