Polish politics

The Program Board wants an audit. It's all about TVP's coverage of the election
The commander of the “Grenadier” leaves the service a year after the loud explosion. He can number  on a giant briefing!
Waiting for the widow of the annuity. ZUS does not respond   and the task  is waiting
Christmas aid  for Poles from Lviv region. Let's show solidarity with compatriots from the Borderlands of the Second Republic!
61-year-old Belgian illegally transferred US technology to China and Russia
Who was the uninvited guest in the Sejm? net  users want to reconstruct  barriers
Maria Dorota Pieńkowska: hr  of Grace
Amoral religion   — is the slave of the thought  of mercy capable of doing good?
Fascination of time, request   for space
The Art of Branding
Warsaw: Invitation to Tokyo - Sunday 10/12/2023
Korolchuk: Reason or emotion?
Theater for the masses
“Poland needs a major overhaul”
ONLY WITH US. Karczewski responds to revelations about earnings
We bring joy to children this Christmas! Support this action!
SBU jednego dnia zlikwidowała dwóch polityków sprzyjających Rosji
Pro-Life Bez Cenzury: Dlaczego kontrujemy marsze „równości”?
Senior Policy and Equality. This is likely to be dealt with by the fresh  ministries
The Newag Trains Affair. Dirty game of companies?
Eliminate the parliamentary freezer!
We say “I check”!
[Skrzydłowska-Kalukin w czwartek] Media publiczne nie potrzebują pluralizmu, tylko nudnej rzetelności
Totally free programming classes
“The lives of the most innocent children are at risk.” Rosary Procession for Life
“These MPs should be stripped of their Polish citizenship!”
Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości, Młodzież Wszechpolska oraz Ordo Iuris w obronie Mariki
9th Patriot Day in Krakow. Grand gala with the participation of, among others, Andrzej Nowak, Przemysław Czarnek, Wojciech Polak and Wojciech Roszkowski
Censorship and cabaret. Is Robert Górski truly  a victim of censorship?
We will submit an amendment eliminating the parliamentary “freezer”
I submit a request that Mr. Borys Budka tell the Poles where he brought this law and who is its author
Prof. Półtawska: “A loving married couple should want a kid  (...), but in vitro it is the tallness  of the sin of human pride”
Protest of carriers. “After the avalanche of insults I've been receiving for a month, nothing impresses me”
Koniuszewski: Polish political messianism
Tax on TVP
IX PATRIOT DAY and the authoritative  premiere of the 6th volume of “History of Poland” by Prof. A. Nowak
La importanza di dati
Come consultori aziendali possono convertire il tuo azienda
En el comentario del camera de datos en la web
“Salvation” - Advent poem
Kanadyjczycy chcą zachować gotówkę
Młodzież Wszechpolska z Opola wystosowała list do szkoły przeciwko seksualnej deprawacji uczniów
Jest porozumienie ws. unijnego Aktu o odporności cybernetycznej
What about the e-Delivery system?