Polish politics

Bosak konkretnie o ambasadorze Izraela: Buc!
Who is Krzysztof Suwart? A writer  who does not exist
9 czerwca głosujemy na listę numer 2!
Chaplain of the hospice of Divine Providence: Our woman  of Fatima watches over us
Fr. Krzemiński: Let us enthronize the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our families!
PIS = Zielony Ład! Sprowadzili na rolników problemy, a teraz się na rolnikach lansują
Wspieramy protest rolników!
Malta: a corruption scandal involving the prime minister and the head of the Central Bank. Privatization of hospitals in the background
The law on the “Silesian language” will not enter into force. The president   plans to veto the bill
Gone is the man speaking with reverberation! Siemoniak is the fresh  head of the Ministry of abroad  Affairs. Reconstruction of Government [VIDEO]
O wyzwaniach dla Polskich Służb Specjalnych
The head of the PISF paid with a business card in nightclubs? According to the Minister of Culture
Inaczej pańska misja wdeptywania Putina w ziemię może się nie powieść
Was Jarosław Kaczyński liable  for the Formation of the Government? — Tomasz Czukiewski @ciekawehistorietv
Tusk ejaculation hypocrisy
Historical timeline: May 10, 1926 — creation of the 3rd government of Vincenzo Vitos
The depopulation of East Asia is coming. The United States will gain
Bilocational abilities of the president? in the grain factories of zamość and in the elevarza
Projekt ustawy o ochronie ludności "opuszcza" MSWiA
The king is naked. The remainder  is simply a sham
A monument to the Indefatigable Soldiers was unveiled in Wrocław. Efforts for him lasted 14 years! [VIDEO+PHOTOS]
WWF Grand Master's Speech at Auschwitz
New Caravaggio
The scourge of prostitution. Teenagers are increasingly curious  in adultery
Novelty! Concept of the South Center. “In how many years will it be built?”
Digitalization. Memorandum between Poland and Ukraine signed
Drastyczny wzrost cen za prąd!
Trzecia Droga prowadzi donikąd
[Skrzydłowska-Kalukin w czwartek] Czy matura jest potrzebna?
Lecture “Mystical Visions of the Temple of Solomon”
Baccalaureate and Freemasonry
Anti-Semitism is simply a 'universal crime'
Invitation to a lecture by Prof. Marek Dyżewski on 12 May in Wrocław
What to do erstwhile   “rainbow” flags and posters promoting LGBT hang in school corridors?
The origin  code of MobyWatela will be known only partially
Fala odejść z CBA. "Trudno jest pozyskać funkcjonariuszy z uwagi na rozgłos mówiący o likwidacji służby"
Ensemble “Rotting Christ” at the Pinworm Festival. Fr Chyła reacts and becomes a mark  of the media
Tennessee Schools Educate Unborn kid  improvement  — “Baby Olivia Act”
Mariusz Dzierżawski: Supporters of pedophilia the creators of educational standards for Polish children?
Komisja śledcza ds. afery wizowej przyjęła wnioski posła Mulawy
Uwaga! Konfederacja w Tychach
Spotkanie w Bielsku-Białej
Bożena Ratter: Universal plan  will change the Polish school! - and video